GSOC with SugarLabs : Coding Phase II (Week 3–4)

Anurag Singh
4 min readJul 2, 2024


Comprehensive Project Setup, Task Identification, and Effective Workflow Management

To manage all the necessary work, I set up this project on GitHub: GitHub Project. Various tasks have been Assigned, including:

  1. Different Sensor Support for RPi
  2. GPIO Support for Different Possible Activities
  3. Social Media Support
  4. Verbose Documentation
  5. Creation of RPi-Specific Image

For more details, you can visit the project link above.

Setting Up RPi Sensors, Testing, and Optimisation

In this project, various sensors like digital UV sensors, distance sensors, LEDs, and other electronic components will be utilised. The activities include Turtle Art, Measure, and Pippy, with a goal to integrate these sensors directly into Sugar for broader usage.

Although direct integration into Sugar requires further exploration, libraries such as CircuitPython (RPi.GPIO, Adafruit_DHT, spidev, smbus, Adafruit_SSD1306) will be used extensively. Additionally, joystick and number pad inputs have been tested to ensure compatibility and functionality. This setup aims to enhance educational activities and sensor integration..

CodeSnippet for reading Joystick

Libraries Used

Purpose: Controls the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi.
Features: Supports input/output operations, event detection, and software PWM.

2. Adafruit_DHT
Purpose: Interfaces with DHT11, DHT22, and AM2302 humidity and temperature sensors.
Features: Reads temperature and humidity data easily.

3. spidev
Purpose: Interfaces with SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) devices.
Features: Communicates with displays, sensors, and ADCs using SPI protocol.

4. smbus
Purpose: Interfaces with I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) devices.
Features: Communicates with EEPROMs, real-time clocks, and sensors using I2C protocol.

5. Adafruit_SSD1306
Purpose: Interfaces with SSD1306-based OLED displays.
Features: Displays text, graphics, and images on OLED screens, supporting I2C and SPI communication.

6. CircuitPython
Purpose: Simplifies programming on microcontrollers and single-board computers.
Features: Provides libraries for a wide range of sensors and hardware components.

These libraries facilitate the integration and control of various sensors and electronic components, enabling their use in educational activities and potentially integrating them directly into the Sugar environment.

Code Snippet for UV Distance , DR and DW using provided libraries
Led and Joystick Setup

Video Scripting and Documentation

Proposed Videos:

  1. Setting Up Sugar on Raspberry Pi
  • Script Snippet: “In this video, we’ll guide you through the steps to set up Sugar on your Raspberry Pi, including downloading, flashing, and booting.”

2. Setting Up a Distance Sensor

  • Script Snippet: “Join us as we show how to connect and configure a distance sensor with your Raspberry Pi, covering wiring, libraries, and basic coding.”

3. Utilizing Sensors Efficiently

  • Script Snippet: “Discover efficient methods to use sensors with your Raspberry Pi, focusing on data collection, power management, and accuracy tips.”

4. How to Set Up GPIO Pins

  • Script Snippet: “This tutorial will demonstrate the basics of configuring GPIO pins on your Raspberry Pi for both input and output tasks, featuring a simple project.”

5. Setting Different I/O on Raspberry Pi Using Sugar

  • Script Snippet: “Learn how to set up and integrate various input and output devices with your Raspberry Pi using the Sugar environment.”


Creating detailed and engaging documentation is crucial for the maker community. It should include:

  • Setup Instructions: Clear, step-by-step guides for setting up peripherals like mice, joysticks, and command centers on Raspberry Pi.
  • Project Tutorials: Comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorials for various projects.
  • Library Documentation: Detailed explanations of the libraries used, with examples.
  • Troubleshooting Tips: Common issues and their solutions to help users overcome obstacles.
  • Best Practices: Guidelines for efficient and effective use of components and sensors.

This documentation will serve as a comprehensive guide, making complex setups approachable and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Future Plans and Further Work

  • Generating Pull Requests and Merge Requests for Coding Part: This involves submitting changes (pull requests) to a codebase for review and eventual integration (merge requests). It’s a collaborative process where team members can review, provide feedback, and approve changes before they are merged into the main branch.
  • Documentation, Video Making, and Blogging: These are crucial for outreach and education:
  • Documentation: Writing clear and comprehensive guides, API references, and usage instructions for your project.
  • Video Making: Creating videos can help demonstrate functionality, provide tutorials, or showcase use cases effectively.
  • Blogging: Sharing insights, updates, and tutorials on platforms can attract like-minded individuals, encourage discussion.
  • Creating an Image for Raspberry Pi (RPI): This likely refers to creating a disk image that can be used to set up a Raspberry Pi with your software or project. This makes it easier for others to replicate and use your system on their own hardware.

