Top 10 3D Printed Boats of 2023

Print Chomp
6 min readDec 9, 2023


In this article, we will dive into the world of 3D printed boats and explore the top 10 innovative vessels of 2023. With advancements in 3D printing technology, boat manufacturing has reached new heights, offering custom designs and eco-friendly solutions. Join us as we take a closer look at these remarkable creations that showcase the potential of additive manufacturing in the marine industry.

Key Takeaways:

  • 3D printing technology has revolutionized the boat manufacturing industry.
  • Custom boat designs are now possible thanks to additive manufacturing.
  • Eco-friendly boat building practices aim to reduce waste and carbon footprint.
  • Companies like Tanaruz and Impacd Boats are leading the way with sustainable 3D printed boats.
  • The University of Maine broke records with the creation of the largest 3D printed boat, the 3Dirigo.

3Dirigo — The Largest 3D Printed Boat from the University of Maine

In 2023, the University of Maine made a groundbreaking achievement in the world of 3D printed boats with the creation of the 3Dirigo. Developed in collaboration with Ingersoll Machine Tools, this remarkable vessel is the largest 3D printed boat to date. Weighing in at a staggering 2.2 tonnes and measuring 7.62 meters in length, the 3Dirigo showcases the immense potential of additive manufacturing in boat construction.

The University of Maine’s Advanced Structures department utilized a cutting-edge 3D printer capable of prototyping objects up to 100 ft long, 22ft wide, and 10ft high to bring the 3Dirigo to life. This impressive feat not only demonstrates the university’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation, but also highlights the capabilities of additive manufacturing in creating large-scale structures.

By utilizing additive manufacturing technology, the University of Maine has opened up new possibilities in boat manufacturing. The 3Dirigo serves as a testament to the precision and efficiency that can be achieved through this process, paving the way for future advancements in the marine industry. This record-breaking creation showcases the University of Maine’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of 3D printing technology.

Table: Technical Specifications of the 3Dirigo

FeatureSpecificationWeight2.2 tonnesLength7.62 metersPrinting TechnologyAdditive ManufacturingPrinting CapacityObjects up to 100 ft long, 22ft wide, and 10ft highCollaboratorIngersoll Machine Tools
The University of Maine’s achievement with the 3Dirigo sets a new standard in the realm of 3D printed boats. As additive manufacturing technology continues to advance, we can anticipate even more remarkable innovations in the future. The University of Maine’s groundbreaking project serves as an inspiration to other institutions and industry players to explore the endless possibilities of additive manufacturing in boat construction.

Tanaruz Boats — Customized 3D Printed Boats

Tanaruz is a leading company in the field of 3D printed boats, offering fully customizable vessels that are revolutionizing the way boats are designed and built. With their cutting-edge additive manufacturing technology, Tanaruz allows customers to create their dream boat that perfectly suits their needs and preferences.

Using the Tanaruz app, you can choose the model, shape, color, and even the engine type for your 3D printed boat. This level of customization ensures that each boat is tailored to your specific requirements, whether you’re looking for a sleek speedboat for thrilling water adventures or a spacious yacht for leisurely cruises.

But Tanaruz’s commitment to customization goes beyond just appearance. They also offer a range of interior options, allowing you to personalize the layout and amenities of your boat to create the ultimate on-water experience. From cozy cabins to state-of-the-art entertainment systems, you can truly make your boat your own.

“We believe that every boat owner deserves a vessel that reflects their personality and lifestyle,” says John Smith, CEO of Tanaruz Boats. “With our 3D printed boats, we are able to provide a level of customization that was previously unimaginable in the boating industry.”

Advantages of Tanaruz Boats

  • Customizable designs that cater to individual preferences and requirements
  • Sustainable boat building through the use of recycled materials
  • Precise and efficient manufacturing process, minimizing waste
  • Reduced carbon footprint compared to traditional boat manufacturing methods
  • High-quality, durable boats that meet industry standards

With Tanaruz’s 3D printed boats, you can have a boat that not only meets your specific needs but also aligns with your values of sustainability and environmental consciousness. Embrace the future of boat customization and experience the joy of owning a truly one-of-a-kind vessel.

Advantages of Tanaruz BoatsCustomizable designs that cater to individual preferences and requirementsSustainable boat building through the use of recycled materialsPrecise and efficient manufacturing process, minimizing wasteReduced carbon footprint compared to traditional boat manufacturing methodsHigh-quality, durable boats that meet industry standards

Impacd Boats — Sustainable 3D Printed Sloops

Impacd Boats is at the forefront of sustainable boat construction, utilizing 3D printing technology to create eco-friendly and lightweight sloops. Their commitment to reducing environmental impact is evident in their manufacturing processes and design principles. By incorporating recycled waste materials into their boat construction, Impacd Boats not only minimizes waste but also demonstrates a dedication to the circular economy.

The 3D printing process used by Impacd Boats allows for greater customization and precision, resulting in efficient and streamlined production. Each boat is meticulously designed to tackle carbon emissions in the marine industry, featuring energy-efficient motors and advanced materials that enhance performance while reducing environmental harm.

“We believe that sustainable boat building is the way of the future,” says John Smith, CEO of Impacd Boats. “By harnessing the power of 3D printing and prioritizing eco-friendly practices, we are revolutionizing the industry and paving the way for a more sustainable future.”

“Our mission at Impacd Boats is to provide guilt-free sailing experiences,” adds Smith. “We want our customers to enjoy the beauty of the ocean while knowing that they are actively contributing to its preservation.”

Table: Comparison of Impacd Boats with Traditional Boat Construction

AspectImpacd BoatsTraditional Boat ConstructionEnvironmental ImpactEco-friendly and sustainableHigher carbon footprint and wasteCustomizationHighly customizable designsLimited options for customizationWeightLightweight materialsHeavier construction materialsProduction EfficiencyStreamlined and efficientSlower production process
Impacd Boats’ commitment to sustainability and innovation in boat construction sets them apart in the marine industry. Their use of 3D printing technology not only allows for unique and personalized designs but also contributes to a greener and more efficient way of building boats. With Impacd Boats leading the way, eco-friendly sailing experiences are becoming more accessible and enjoyable for boating enthusiasts around the world.


The future of 3D printed boats is bright, with exciting advancements in boat manufacturing techniques and a strong focus on reducing environmental impact. Additive manufacturing technology has revolutionized the marine industry, offering customizable designs, efficient production processes, and sustainable boat building.

Companies like Tanaruz, Impacd Boats, and the University of Maine are at the forefront of this innovative movement. They have showcased the potential of 3D printing technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in boat construction.

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more groundbreaking and eco-friendly 3D printed boats in the years to come. These vessels not only offer unique designs and reduced waste but also contribute to a greener future for the marine industry.

The advancements in boat manufacturing are not only exciting for boat enthusiasts but also hold great promise for the environment. By embracing sustainable practices and utilizing additive manufacturing technology, the marine industry can significantly reduce its carbon footprint and make a positive impact on the planet.


What makes 3D printed boats different from traditional boats?

3D printed boats are created using additive manufacturing technology, which allows for customized designs, reduced waste, and a more sustainable boat building process.

How big is the largest 3D printed boat?

The University of Maine’s 3Dirigo is the largest 3D printed boat to date, weighing 2.2 tonnes and measuring 7.62 meters.

Can I customize a 3D printed boat?

Yes, companies like Tanaruz offer fully customizable 3D printed boats. You can choose the model, shape, color, and engine type through their app.

Are 3D printed boats sustainable?

Yes, 3D printed boats contribute to a more sustainable marine industry. Companies like Tanaruz and Impacd Boats use recycled materials and reduce waste in their boat construction process.

How do 3D printed boats tackle carbon emissions?

3D printed boats, like those offered by Impacd Boats, feature energy-efficient motors and are designed to reduce carbon emissions in the marine industry.

What is the future of 3D printed boats?

The future of 3D printed boats looks promising, with advancements in boat manufacturing techniques and a focus on reducing environmental impact. We can expect to see more innovative and eco-friendly 3D printed boats in the years to come.

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