The Communication Edge: How Strong Communication Skills Can Give You a Competitive Advantage in a Dynamic World

Pritam Burnwal
3 min readJun 15, 2023


Communication is the bridge that connects us to the world, and mastering the art of effective communication in English has never been more important in our Globalized society. Have you ever found yourself struggling to articulate your thoughts and ideas in English, despite having a wealth of knowledge on a topic? I certainly have. As someone who grew up speaking a different language, I understand the challenges of effective communication in a globalized world. In today’s fast-paced society, mastering the art of communication in English is essential for success, whether you’re a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur. In this blog post, I’ll share my own experiences and insights on why effective communication skills are crucial in our rapidly changing world and provide tips on how to improve your own communication skills.

A few days back, I was scrolling through YouTube, and there was a series titled “अंग्रेज़ी मत झाड़” (Don’t show off in English) that seemed interesting to me. It reminded me of my academic days. After watching this, it hit me so hard that it felt like they were narrating my story.

Being a Hindi medium student from a government school, communication, especially in “ENGLISH,” was a struggle I couldn’t overcome. During my college years, I encountered a formidable hurdle that rendered me unable to even introduce myself in English. The memory of my first year of engineering remains vivid, as I found myself struggling with the daunting task of speaking in English during my “Humanities” class. The challenges I faced during that time were immense, as English was a language that felt foreign and unfamiliar to me. So, I memorized it by writing in a notebook. However, when the moment arrived for me to deliver my introduction, after introducing myself with my name, I found myself at a loss for words. It was as if my thoughts had evaporated into thin air, leaving me in a state of utter silence. I was good in academics but not in communication, especially in English. On that particular day, a harsh realization dawned upon me within the unforgiving confines of this often merciless world we inhabit. It became abundantly clear that in order to navigate through life successfully, one must possess not only commendable academic prowess but also a mastery of communication skills, particularly in the English language. During my formative years in engineering, and even in the initial stages of my IT career, I found myself facing numerous challenges and enduring significant struggles. These hurdles tested my resilience and pushed me to my limits, leaving a profound impact on my journey.

That was one of the hardest battles I fought with perseverance and a never-give-up attitude. The result of that battle is that I am able to talk to anyone today, including the privilege of interacting with you in this very forum. I want to thank all of my friends during my engineering days and also my colleagues who have worked with me till now. The link below is just a glimpse of how far I have come. I presented an idea in front of my company’s COO a few weeks back. Still, there is so much to achieve and so many miles to go. But when I watched this series, it started giving me scary flashbacks of my struggles with English, which I fought during my academic as well as my initial professional career. If I was able to overcome it, it can definitely be done by anyone. I learned “how much communication skill is necessary, and that also in English,” in this cruel world, surpassing a daunting and arduous path. ✌️

“If your WHY is clear, you will definitely find a way HOW to achieve”

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Pritam Burnwal

I am Pritam Burnwal, an Associate Technical Architect sharing insights on AWS, DevOps, and life experiences for personal and professional growth.