#TeamCloudNative — You Belong at KubeCon

Priyanka Sharma
3 min readAug 19, 2020


Yesterday we kicked off the first-ever virtual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon and I could not be more proud. I’m proud of both the hardworking team here at CNCF and also the wider #TeamCloudNative who rallied and came together to make this a truly community-driven effort. While we have a passionate community that is enjoying this week with each other, I want to take this opportunity to invite all of you who may wonder whether cloud native is the place for you, to join in. You belong.

“You are all important as equal whatever your role!” said @pritianka during launching Keynote of @CloudNativeFdn #KubeCon pic.twitter.com/vjImc60XXG

— Philippe Ensarguet @virtual KubeCon from Home (@P_Ensarguet) August 18, 2020

KubeCon is an event that means a lot to me. Back in the day when I attended my first KubeCon in 2016, was when I found a community I could truly call home. When I first arrived in Seattle for the show, I was terrified. I knew very little about distributed systems compared to the stalwarts in the room. I even saw some famous-in-the-systems-world folks and that left me wobbly in the knees with nervousness. But people soon took me under their wing. Before I knew it I was chatting with folks about the challenges of observability in distributed systems, how cool this new community was, and learning all about their particular focus. Everyone, regardless of their laurels, invited me to shed any fears and step in to learn and participate.

Zoom HH after the day’s talks were over

The #TeamCloudNative that I mentioned above is that group of people. The folks who come together to create an inclusive, welcoming environment so we all collectively learn and build better software. If you are wondering whether you are part of #TeamCloudNative, the answer is yes. You are. All it takes is an interest in this community and if you’ve made it this far down this blog post, you already qualify :-).

We in #TeamCloudNative support each other, build each other up, and create awesome technology. While not every tech may qualify as cloud native, everyone interested in the term qualifies as part of the community. So if you are a builder, a doer, an enabler, consider stopping by our event. While it may not be in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, it most certainly is a beautiful experience online to see folks from every part of the world immersed in the event. You will meet new people, learn from them, and teach them something new. And that in itself is a beautiful thing.

Drag Queen Bingo!

Hope to see you there for Day Three at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU.

Originally published at https://priyankasharma.com on August 19, 2020.



Priyanka Sharma

GM at CNCF @cloudnativefdn | Advisor at @Heavybit | Big fan — #observability, #opensource, good writing, & dog/ dogged people | Opinions my own