Be my Fallen Leaf

Prityush Sharma
2 min readDec 28, 2021


The way it slowly gets detached and falls, the way it gets carried away, the way it moves to some unknown yet known place, it’s dancing, it’s jiggling, free from any attachments — the fallen leaf looks so beautiful.

You know there’s a mystery behind trees shedding away its growing nurtured children.

Have you ever been in a place when you think you cannot be defeated? You have achieved it all? Be it your long term goals or small milestones, I think each and every one of us has been in that place once perhaps.

Now take a memory back, and think about the goal or milestone you achieved? Makes you happy right, just thinking about it.

Now take another memory back and think about the journey you had while achieving it. What made you reach there?

There always will be a fallen leaf which came in your way and turned your life. This fallen leaf can be personified as a person, a thing, a memory or anything. And these things could be good or bad to you in the past but by coming in your way they helped you for your unseen future. They changed you.

This fallen leaf is not your set back; instead it’s a push. It’s a push given to you by life. A push that throws your soul into the deep calm water so that you can see what went wrong in the past.

In autumn, when the trees shed of their leaves, it’s not because the leaves have grown old and wrecked and the tree wants new leaves. It’s because with so many years living it has seen and captured each and every memory in the form of leaves. By making them fall, the trees do not let its memories go away; rather it sends away the pain it has seen in cultivation of those memories. It then prepares itself for more to come.

A single dried leaf fallen on the ground, looks so lonely. It gets carried away wherever the wind takes it and after sometime it vanishes. In the same way the pain we have within ourselves can be blown away by accepting and giving away our fallen leaves so that we can prepare for more.

Even the stars can’t hold their position forever. They fall. The sun too comes out daily, although on some days the clouds manage to overpower it. But this doesn’t mean that the sun won’t rise again. It emerges from the clouds to spread its joy, teaching — it’s time to move on with no regrets, no setbacks, nothing holding back.

I urge you to find your fallen leaf.



Prityush Sharma

23, Media student — Dreaming isn’t a problem thinking probably is. — Writing stories with photographic eyes.