Turning Pages, Turning Lives — Are Books Our Best Friends?

Preeti Prangya Panda
4 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Knowledge is the stream that flows unlimited. Grasp a glass and drink it as much as you can, to honor yourself with the purest form. The books are the source of knowledge since time immemorial.

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

-Dr. Seuss

Hey, do you think a book is a best friend?

Of course, we are taught from our childhood the tagline “books are your best friends”. Is it really so?

The answer is within you. The way you look at the books, they will respond exactly. If you use it for your betterment, it can give you a new life. If you use it to harm yourself, or others it can put you out to suffer.

Yes, exactly, that’s the power of the book.

I have coaxed the books in my hard times, finding out the answers hidden in the treasures, moving to a new world where no one ever judges me, and getting into the mistakes of millions of people that I don’t want to repeat.

Does it sound overwhelming?

Now, make it simple, let me discuss a few points that the book taught me:


There were times when I hated books. Yes, it seemed so boring to me. I used to get repelled by its aura.

Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash

Physics says every action has an equal and opposite reaction. My action of hating books has cost me a huge lesson in my life. I remained away from the source of knowledge for a quite few years of my life.

But then, a simple step is enough to progress a relationship. This is what happened to me. Once I got an adrenaline rush to read a random book. The first book I read was “Alchemist”.

It changed my perspective of what I used to visualize. Books aren’t so bad. They are the medium to provide you with crisp knowledge. The key points that I perceived from that day were:

  • You aren’t the one with a thousand problems, there are a lot out there
  • It’s okay to be the person you are. No need to change for others
  • Be empathetic to the person who cares for you while staying away from the person who backstabs you.
  • It’s okay to say No many times when you can’t put your energy into
  • Self-determination can get you to the heights you deserve.

2. Abstinence from the Current Situation

Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

Reading fictional books has taken me to worlds that I have never been through. This always has helped me to escape from my current situation. It doesn’t matter how stressed I am, but books give me relief.

It even feels good to read books in stressful situations. A scientific study has examined through the MRI scan that the electrical signal elevates when you read books. The obvious reason is the mind exercise.

So whenever you feel, the world conspires against you, just grab a book and this weapon is enough to make you stronger and fight for yourself.

3. Provides Strignant Discipline

Image by Yerson Retamal from Pixabay

We are too lazy to develop a good habit right? It takes decades to be disciplined in our habits. The reason is that the first few days seem to be wonderful but then it seems so boring. But books can’t.

The power of reading books is that you don’t have to be strict all the time for yourself. Take your time to understand what people want to convey to you. Get a glance at what is not for you and what fits in your lock.

This can be a life-changing game. Utilizing reading habits has brought tremendous changes in the things I start to do and the end I see.


So, my relationship with the books was quite unexpected at the beginning. But that started to get stronger when I understood it and books loved to be in my hands.

Yeah! A nonliving thing can love you more than a living thing can do.

Hence, for me “Books are my best friend, my life coach, a partner for happy and sad moments, and a great teacher”.



Preeti Prangya Panda

A Biologist turned into Freelance Content Writer| Building a Side Hustle| Talks about Healthcare, Mental Health, Productivity, Side Hustle and Content Creation