My husband is a whore.

4 min readSep 7, 2024

My husband (26m) has been cheating on me (27f) since at least our honeymoon. We got married young, I was pregnant, and he said he wanted the family. He obviously lied because we have not felt like a true family for longer than months at a time. Just after our honeymoon, while I was pregnant, mind you, I discovered he sent emails to women from some online site, looking for hookups. Some of the messages were sent during the honeymoon while we were together. I lost my shit over this. His family, whom I was living with at the time, convinced me to stay and hear him out. My husband came home from work in tears, scrambling to save our marriage. I decided to stay. I was 19 and didn’t want to face my family with the ugly truth that I was dumb, naive, and wrong.

The next time I caught my husband up to something awful like that was just about a year later on a family camping trip. He was direct messaging some girl talking about how terrible our marriage had been and that we were headed for a divorce. We were not planning on divorcing at this time. Again, I lost my mind. My husband once more started the waterworks, pleading that he has issues and that I should stay with him. Seeing that we were on a family camping trip, I swallowed my hurt and let this go.

At this point, I was given his phone password and told him I would be checking things. He assured me he was a good boy and that I would find nothing else. After some time, I stopped looking. I didn’t find anything suspicious, although he clearly had/has a porn addiction. He follows naked lady accounts…




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