An Important Update on Privé

Privé Société
2 min readJan 6, 2024


We wanted to provide you with an important update regarding Privé.

Firstly, we’d like to inform you that refunds have been processed for all previously paid mints. You can find the transaction details here:

This refund specifically applies to participants in the paid Genesis mint, as our initial OG collection was offered for free. OG holders also received a complimentary mint for our Genesis collection. Due to the complexity of tracking NFT origins, transfers between wallets, and more, we couldn’t refund all current holders, especially those who acquired NFTs through free mints.

The refund amount matches the nominal USD value at the time of mint on October 12, approximately $118 USD, and has been sent in ETH for the equivalent value. This decision was reached in consultation with our legal counsel as the most appropriate way to proceed.

As previously mentioned, we have decided to close the web3 chapter for Privé. We acknowledge that we fell short of our goals, and we sincerely apologize for this. Unexpected challenges, such as FTX, impacted our financial situation and the overall company’s plans.

Despite these setbacks, we are grateful for the unwavering support of those who believed in our vision and accompanied us on this journey. We’ve had the privilege of meeting incredible community members who have become friends along the way.

Looking ahead, Privé will shift its focus to operate as a traditional web2-only business. As progress unfolds, we may explore opportunities to reconnect with interested community members. In the interim, we will be closing the channels in our Discord, as we will no longer have community managers for support. However, our support ticket system will remain open for any questions, feedback, or those who wish to stay in touch.

Once again, we sincerely thank you for your trust and support.

The team at Privé.



Privé Société

Privé is a private membership community and social club for Privé champagne. Membership and benefits are authenticated by Privé NFT ownership.