My Mother: The Most Influential Person in My Life

She’s the most persistent and giving person I know. I’m lucky to have her as my mom.

Priya Pai
3 min readJun 12, 2022
Photo by J W on Unsplash

My mother is the most influential person in my life for three reasons: she inspires me, she has taught me many important life lessons, and she has always encouraged me. We do not always see eye to eye, yet as I have grown older, she has become my closest friend.

My mother inspires me because she has provided me with an excellent example of an educated woman. She earned a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy and then a master’s degree in hand therapy in her home country of India. After she married my dad and they moved to America, she had to take a few courses at the local community college because all of her credits did not transfer. During that year, she woke up with the sun and cooked breakfast, lunch, and dinner before leaving for her 8 a.m. class. All her hard work paid off, and she began working at a local nursing home. After my brother and I were born, she balanced the responsibilities of two young children and taking care of the household along with her job. Even though she eventually stopped working once I entered middle school, she renews her license every two years so that she has the freedom to either work or stay at home. She has always supported me in becoming educated, no matter…



Priya Pai

My (albeit limited) life experience & opinions; take everything I write with salt — and sugar