Coding Coding All Over …!

5 min readFeb 17, 2021

What is coding?

Coding, sometimes called computer programming, is how we communicate with computers. Code tells a computer what actions to take, and writing code is like creating a set of instructions. By learning to write code, you can tell computers what to do or how to behave in a much faster way. You can use this skill to make websites and apps, process data, and do lots of other cool things.

How does coding work?

Computers and artificial intelligence are built up of, mainly, transistors; and these transistors act as the 'brain' of the computer. Hence, the computer only understands the language of 'on' and 'off,' guided by the transistor switches. The on and off are represented by 1 and 0, respectively, in a binary system. Therefore, your computer and every other gadget run on an infinite sequence of binary codes.

These binary codes form the machine code, with each number directing the machine (your computer) to change a sequence in its memory.

Programming languages make the binary code language of the computers more manageable by translating our commands into binary code.

Coding means using the programming language to get the computer to behave as desired.Each line of the code is a set of instructions for the computer. A set of codes form a script, and a set or dozens of sets, form a program.

A Bit about Programming

Programming is a list of codes arranged in a sequence that results in the completion of work.

Take, for example, the following analogy - you click on a video app on your smartphones, and it plays a video.

A program is what brings about the completion of the task 'playing the said video.'

The program is made up of a series of smaller tasks that direct your smartphone to do the above task and bring it to completion. Each smaller task is written in code, i.e., the computer language, and that is what coding is all about.

Why learn how to code?

We all have hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. Whether you’re looking for a new opportunity, want to optimize your current job, or are simply searching for a new hobby, coding can help you get closer to your goals. And remember, anyone can learn how to code!

What is coding used for?

In a broader sense, coding is used to run the simplest of appliances and gadgets used in today's world.

Coding finds excessive use in popular gadgets such as applications on the phone, tablets, computers, and other smart gadgets, like smartwatches and smart TV.

Coding is used in automated cars, to control every aspect, from clutches to air conditioning, to fuel injectors.

System analogs are being employed to streamline procedures at a broader level, such as controlling sewages, electrical grids, traffic lights, etc.

Coding finds use in every phase of the current world.

What are the advantages of coding?

In this tech-savvy world, mastering program learning is proven to increase your communication, and analogical skills, among other things.

  • Understanding the world around you
  • Problem-solving
  • A broad range of job opportunities
  • Be the master of your technology

Eager to cool stuff !

Ever wanted to make an app or a website? Code does that. It can also help you automate a spreadsheet or create new tools for your community. Learning to code makes it possible to imagine the things you want to make and actually build them.

Coding-where should one begin?

Now that you know the necessity of learning how to code, the first question going through your mind is- where do you begin?

The field of coding is vast and with so a good deal of different programming languages, each with its benefits, uses, and advantages. It is easy for a beginner to get overwhelmed by the prospectus.

Here are the three easiest programming language that a complete beginner can learn:


Every beginner's boot camp to coding begins with learning how to create an HTML page.

HTML was initially created to help writers present their documents to the readers in a simpler way on the World Wide Web.

It works in the following manner:

  • HTML builds documents using blocks, known as 'elements.'
  • The body element is that part of the HTML document that contains the main body.
  • The body consists of sub-elements, known as paragraph elements; represented by <p>

2. CSS

Cascading Style Sheets are used to design the layout of the web browser page, and it includes everything-including designing the font, background color, animations, hyperlinks, etc.

The CSS defines how readability and ease of use of your web page.

3. JavaScript

An amalgamation of CSS with HTML, JavaScript enables increased interactivity of your web browser with the client.

It makes use of a set of codes, known as scripts, to implement improved functionality.

More complex functions such as setting the required password, securing payment gateway, and incognito transactions

It plays an essential role in front end development coding


In conclusion, coding is a necessary skill in today's world. Learning to code is like learning the alphabet of a tech-savvy world. It is a lifelong skill that will give you the vision to see the world through the eyes of innovation, to appreciate the fast-growing world, and to know every piece of technology as a gadget to grow.

Learn skills that will open doors

“Computer and information technology jobs are growing incredibly fast in the United States and across the globe. You don’t need a Computer Science degree; there are more and more high-paying jobs emerging every day for newer learners like us .”

Hope this was informative .

With Gratitude,


