Why AI- powered chat interface is better than a Tap interface?

Priya Chowdhury
5 min readAug 5, 2018


Though we tend to think of automation as a modern phenomenon, it’s history is quite extensive.

Humans first began dreaming about the possibility of robots or mechanical servants as far back as Homer in the Iliad. It’s not known whether Leonardo da Vinci actually tried to build the mechanical knight he sketched back in 1495, but across cultures and throughout time, there have been many accounts of humanity’s desire to create robotic versions of ourselves, where purely for entertainment or for more practical reasons.

Since the Industrial Revolution, we have been learning to live with automation in our households. Even though today’s technology might feel like its light years ahead of the 18th century, do we still face the challenge of integrating machines into our lives?

Look around! The modern tech industry is undoubtedly exciting. The convergence of several inspiring technologies is a significant reason why that’s the case.

Speed-dating with Computers

We’ve been going online, making restaurant reservations. Glued to the screens just to not miss booking that cheapest flight during festivals. And when have we not struggled with the internet , paying important bills?

Sadly, none of us could imagine these action verbs getting the businesses done till the last decade.

So, why are we suddenly seeing an explosion in conversational interfaces?

It seems like all of a sudden you’re able to get help and consume information just by messaging bots — but just a year or two ago that seemed ridiculous.

A simple answer to this is the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The intelligent way of turning the most common interface we encounter online today- the web form into a conversion.

For the last two decades at least, since computers went truly mainstream, the world has been obsessed with designing the perfect visual interface. How can we make our apps help users, and teach them how to get what they want , faster?

Ticking question of the hour

The rising importance of the AI is transforming the manner in which companies are conducting businesses across all industries. Now, here comes the concern- can the Messaging User Interface overshadow the Graphical User Interface?

Graphical User Interface (GUI), has been the gold standard in a world where tapping and clicking was the primary interface. The most familiar features being — icons, menus, windows, and a pointing device.

With the advent of the iPhone — and smartphones as a whole — this trend continued, but in recent times as design has become simpler, flatter and less complex, that changed.

By tweaking new features and capabilities into mobile apps, attempts are being made to “over-serve” the customers. Once technology reaches a certain level of quality, improvements to it don’t meaningfully impact the user.

Eventually, we are coming close to the realization that we actually don’t need so many apps. On an average, people are downloading fewer apps than ever. Having a ton of apps cluttering up a phone isn’t useful. Instead, it just adds to your ever-mounting cognitive load.

My question is, has our friendly GUI or tap interface reached that point? Where do I go to get the things I want, done?

Well, there is an answer. Embrace the AI-powered chat interface!

The Challenger: Conversational Interface

They are everywhere — almost every messaging app has one. They first blew up in Asia, now in the rest of the world and they show no sign of stopping. What makes me wonder is — why this simple conversation is so compelling over visual design?

As it turns out, it’s often actually harder to do something visually.

Ever needed to make a change to your hotel reservation, only to click 11 times through ten different screens and eventually give up, then call an actual human?

Yeah, we all have been there!

Now imagine this — If you could just say what you wanted to do in the first place: “I want to change my hotel.” A few seconds later you get a reply: “OK, where would you like to check-in instead?”

The chat interface is interesting not only because of the way they feel or look; it’s a more natural and intelligent way where all you do is just type, and the computer understands what you say, regardless of exactly how you word it.

They first came to us through software like Siri. If you aren’t living under a rock, you must have heard about WeChat, Slack, Google Allo and Facebook’s M that use messaging to communicate with the users.There are hundreds of these assistants, most of which didn’t even exist a year ago, already changing the game in mobile.

Pay bills, book movie, hotels, cabs or do recharge even on a 2G network. Sounds good?

Next time, when third world problems catch you tight, remember: Bots do work well even with a poor internet connection.

Chatbots offer a single chat window interface and hence save time! One simple screen does the work of 100s buttons.

You will end up replacing over 10–15 apps on phone and getting tasks done via a single chat. Type in your request and just send it! 100s of MBs in storage space saved is bound to amaze anyone.

Is an AI-based interaction sounding like science fiction? The reality is, it’s already improving the way we interact with computers in immeasurable ways.

Ten years ago, you could make a hundred toolbars with tiny buttons to get a simple job done, but with conversational interfaces, it just takes starting with a question: “What do you want to get done today?”

