Exploring India’s Major Trading Partners: An In-Depth Analysis

4 min readMay 17, 2024

India, with its rapidly expanding economy and diverse population, has a high demand for imports and exports. The country’s trade is crucial to its economic growth and development. Focusing on a nation with a population exceeding 1.3 billion, a booming economy, and a growing need for trade naturally brings us to India. This country is a powerhouse in global commerce, poised for a bright future. But who are the major trading partners of India, and what lies ahead for this thriving market?

This blog post will delve into India’s principal trading partners, the top imports and exports, and the future of India’s trade.

India’s Largest Trading Partners: 2023–24

As of November this calendar year, India’s total foreign trade exceeded $1 trillion. Up to November, India exported $422.23 billion in goods and services while importing $625.87 billion. According to India Trade Data, the external trade deficit stood at $203 billion for the first 11 months of the current year, a $40 billion reduction compared to the same period last year.

The United States is a top trading partner of India, with bilateral trade amounting to approximately $100 billion as of October this year. India exported $63.36 billion and imported $36.50 billion from the US, resulting in a trade surplus of over $26 billion.

Top Trading Partners of India

India’s trade landscape is vast and constantly evolving. However, certain countries consistently emerge as significant trading partners. During the fiscal year 2022–2023, India exported about $450 billion in products and $323 billion in services. Here are top trading partners of India along with their total trade volumes (sum of imports and exports) in billions of US dollars for the fiscal year 2022–23:

  1. United States: $71.39 billion total trade. Major imports include crude oil, machinery, and chemicals. Key exports are pharmaceuticals, textiles, gems, and jewelry.
  2. China: $13.6 billion total trade. Main imports are electronics, machinery, and chemicals. Key exports include iron ore, cotton, and marine products.
  3. United Arab Emirates (UAE): $28.76 billion total trade. Major imports include crude oil and natural gas. Key exports are petroleum products, textiles, and rice.
  4. Saudi Arabia: $9.69 billion total trade. Imports mainly crude oil and natural gas, resulting in a trade deficit of $28.93 billion. Exports include pharmaceuticals, textiles, and rice.
  5. Russia: $44.37 billion total trade. Imports include fertilizers, diamonds, and defense equipment, with a trade imbalance of $2.8 billion. Exports include pharmaceuticals, tea, and spices.
  6. Indonesia: $35.95 billion total trade. Balanced trade with exports including pharmaceuticals, grains, and electrical machinery, and imports of coal, palm oil, and paper products.
  7. Iraq: $33.86 billion total trade, primarily crude oil imports leading to a $29.18 billion trade deficit. Exports include pharmaceuticals, grains, and spices.
  8. Singapore: $11 billion total trade. Key exports include petroleum products, chemicals, gems, and jewelry.
  9. Hong Kong: $25.68 billion total trade, serving as a re-export hub, resulting in a $6.95 billion imbalance. Key exports include precious stones, pharmaceuticals, and machinery.
  10. South Korea: $25.35 billion total trade, with a slightly export-heavy balance. Exports include vehicles, steel, and pharmaceuticals, and imports of electronic components, semiconductors, and machinery.

Major Export Partners of India

India’s primary export destinations in FY 2023 include:

  1. United States
  2. United Arab Emirates
  3. Netherlands
  4. China
  5. Singapore
  6. United Kingdom
  7. Saudi Arabia
  8. Hong Kong
  9. Germany
  10. Brazil

Notably, during April–November 2022, the Netherlands and Brazil climbed the ranks of India’s export destinations. The Netherlands became the largest trading partner, and Brazil moved from the 20th to the eighth position.

Major Import Partners of India

India imports approximately 6000 items from 140 nations. The top 10 trading partners of India 2023 are:

  1. China
  2. United Arab Emirates
  3. United States
  4. Russia
  5. Saudi Arabia
  6. Iraq
  7. Indonesia
  8. Singapore
  9. South Korea
  10. Australia

The Future of India’s Trade

The future of India’s trade is promising. The economy is expected to continue its rapid growth, increasing the demand for imports and exports. Investments in infrastructure and education are making India an attractive destination for foreign investment. Additionally, India’s active engagement in trade negotiations with several countries could further enhance its trade volumes.

India is also shifting from exporting raw materials to value-added products, a trend likely to continue as the manufacturing sector advances.

Final Thoughts

Major Trading Partners of India are on a growth trajectory, positioning the country to seize emerging global trade opportunities. By addressing challenges and leveraging opportunities, India can expand its trade and solidify its role in the global economy.

For more insights on India’s major trading partners and comprehensive market data, contact Eximpedia.app. Our experts provide valuable data and analysis to help you grow your business in the international trade arena. To book a free live demo, connect with our professionals and expand your trade business globally.

