Why am I fascinated by our universe?

2 min readMay 27, 2020


“The beauty of the night is so captivating, it brings my mind and soul to peace.”


The universe is vast, it is magnificent, and beautiful but most of all, it is mysterious. I never knew where my love of space came from, where it will lead me but one thing is for sure, I love the universe because it’s so mysterious.

From dark energy to dark matter, from neutron stars to white dwarfs, from the flatness of the universe to the inflation, all these things are so fascinating yet terrifying. Why terrifying, you ask? Well, because we don’t know anything about them. And it is human nature to fear what they don’t know, however, it is still brilliant to look at the stars above me every night.

But as I look at these stars, I feel connected to them. I am spellbound by their beauty and as we are made up of stardust, it acts as a bridge between me and the stars. It craves to go up and touch the stars that looks like beads weaved into the night sky.

Our universe is like a person to me, a guardian angel and a menace and our presence in it is a peculiar existence. The reason for us is yet to be revealed. However, our universe has trusted us enough to reveal some of it’s secrets. We now know about black holes, we discovered the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), and that our solar system is not unique i.e. other stars also have their own family of planets and many more thrilling revelations have occurred in the past hundred years. By this, our species should understand that we are a tiny part of this vast, mysterious void, which is more alluring than it looks like.

I hope one day our universe will trust us enough to reveal all of it’s secrets and we will be able to see its beauty peak.

Tell me below why you love our universe and what it means to you!

