Creating SEO-Friendly URLs for E-commerce Product Pages: A Comprehensive Guide

Priyanka Harlalka
5 min readNov 15, 2023


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your products are visible to potential buyers, driving traffic to your website, and ultimately boosting sales.

Creating SEO-Friendly URLs for E-commerce Product Pages: A Comprehensive Guide

Among the various SEO factors, crafting SEO-friendly URLs for your product pages stands out as a crucial element that often gets overlooked.

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Let’s look at the Significance of SEO-Friendly URLs

SEO-friendly URLs, also known as search engine friendly URLs, are web addresses that are designed to enhance a website’s search engine ranking.

These URLs are clear, concise, and descriptive, making it easier for both search engines and users to comprehend the content of the page they are linking to.

Why are SEO-Friendly URLs Important for E-commerce Product Pages?

SEO-friendly URLs are essential for e-commerce SEO for several compelling reasons:

1. Improved Search Engine Ranking: Search engines like Google rely on URLs to understand the context and structure of a website. Well-structured URLs provide valuable context to search engine crawlers, increasing the likelihood that your product pages will appear in relevant search results.

2. Enhanced User Experience: SEO-friendly URLs not only benefit search engines but also enhance the user experience. They provide a clear indication of the page’s content, making it easier for users to navigate your website and find the products they are searching for.

3. Increased Click-Through Rates: Clear and concise URLs are more likely to be clicked on by users, leading to increased traffic to your product pages.

Crafting SEO-Friendly URLs for E-commerce Product Pages: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating SEO-friendly URLs for your e-commerce product pages is a straightforward process that can significantly improve your SEO performance.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting effective URLs:

1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords that potential customers might use to search for products in your niche. Incorporate these keywords into your product page URLs.

2. URL Structure: Use a consistent and logical URL structure across your e-commerce website. This helps search engines understand the hierarchy of your website and categorize your products effectively.

3. URL Length: Keep URLs short and concise. Long and complex URLs can be difficult for users to remember and type correctly. Aim for URLs that are around 100 characters or less.

4. Lowercase Letters: Use lowercase letters consistently throughout your URLs. This is the standard format and ensures that your URLs are always interpreted correctly by search engines.

5. Hyphens for Word Separation: Separate words in your URLs with hyphens (-) instead of underscores (_). This is the preferred format for search engines and improves readability.

6. Avoid Special Characters: Avoid using special characters like %, $, #, or @ in your URLs. These characters can confuse search engines and make it difficult for users to type the URL correctly.

7. Product Identifiers: Include product identifiers, such as product names, model numbers, or SKUs, into your URLs. This provides additional context for search engines and can help users find specific products more easily.

8. URL Uniqueness: Ensure that no two product pages have the same URL. Duplicate URLs can confuse search engines and negatively impact your SEO performance.

9. URL Review and Optimization: Regularly review and optimize your URLs for best practices. As your product offerings and SEO strategies evolve, ensure that your URLs remain consistent and aligned with current SEO guidelines.

Examples of SEO-Friendly and Non-SEO-Friendly URLs

Here are some examples of SEO-friendly and non-SEO-friendly URLs for e-commerce product pages:

SEO-Friendly URL:

Non-SEO-Friendly URL:

In the SEO-friendly URL, the product name, “blue-mens-casual-shirt,” is clearly incorporated into the URL, providing valuable context to search engines and users.

In contrast, the non-SEO-friendly URL uses a product identifier (123456) that is not descriptive and does not provide any meaningful information.

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Additional Tips for Creating SEO-Friendly URLs

In addition to the guidelines mentioned above, here are some additional tips for crafting SEO-friendly URLs:

Content Management System (CMS) Integration:

  • Leverage your CMS to simplify URL creation and management. Many CMS platforms offer built-in tools to automatically generate SEO-friendly URLs based on product titles, descriptions, and other relevant information.

URL Canonicalization:

  • Implement URL canonicalization to avoid duplicate content issues. This involves specifying the preferred URL for each product page, ensuring that search engines prioritize the correct version and avoid indexing multiple copies of the same content.

URL Shorteners:

  • Use URL shortening services sparingly. While URL shorteners can make URLs more concise, they can also obscure the actual destination of the link, making it less transparent for both search engines and users.

Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (L10n):

  • If your e-commerce website caters to an international audience, consider implementing i18n and L10n strategies to optimize URLs for different languages and regions. This involves using language-specific subdomains or creating separate URLs for each language version of the product page.

URL Updates and Redirects:

  • When updating product information or making significant changes to your website structure, ensure that you properly manage URL redirects. Redirects help search engines and users understand the new location of the product page and avoid broken links.

URL Monitoring and Analytics:

  • Regularly monitor the performance of your URLs using analytics tools. Track metrics such as click-through rates (CTRs) and bounce rates to identify areas for improvement and optimize your URLs accordingly.

URL Testing and Validation:

  • Use URL testing tools to validate that your URLs are functioning correctly and redirecting as intended. This helps avoid user frustration and ensures that search engines can properly index your product pages.

URL Maintenance and Best Practices:

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest SEO guidelines and best practices for creating and managing URLs. Search engine algorithms evolve over time, so it’s essential to adapt your strategies accordingly.

URL Optimization for Voice Search:

  • Consider the rise of voice search and optimize your URLs for natural language queries. Use natural language keywords that users might use when searching for products using voice assistants.

URL as a Branding Element:

  • View URLs as an extension of your brand identity. Strive for URLs that are not only SEO-friendly but also reflect your brand’s personality and resonate with your target audience.

By following these comprehensive guidelines and continuously refining your URL optimization strategies, you can ensure that your e-commerce product pages are not only discoverable by search engines but also accessible and user-friendly for potential customers, ultimately driving traffic, conversions, and sales.



Priyanka Harlalka

SEO Specialist, Digital & Content Marketing Strategist With 4 years of experience