LinkedIn Post Formats: What Works Best for You?

Priyanka Harlalka
3 min readOct 30, 2023


LinkedIn has evolved from a simple professional networking platform into a dynamic space for content sharing and engagement.

Understanding the various post formats available on LinkedIn and choosing the right ones for your goals is crucial for building your professional brand and connecting with your target audience.

LinkedIn Post Formats: What Works Best for You?

In this article, we’ll explore the different LinkedIn post formats and help you determine which works best for you.

1. Text Posts

Text posts are the simplest form of content on LinkedIn. They are essentially written updates or short articles. Text posts are ideal for sharing quick thoughts, professional insights, or updates. They tend to work well for engagement, especially when they’re concise and meaningful. To make text posts effective, focus on adding value and sparking discussions.

2. Image Posts

Image posts combine visuals with text. They are great for sharing infographics, quotes, or short announcements. Images grab attention quickly and can help convey your message more effectively. Make sure your images are high-quality and relevant to your content.

3. Document Posts

LinkedIn allows you to attach documents to your posts. This feature is excellent for sharing longer-form content, such as whitepapers, reports, or slide decks. Document posts help you showcase your expertise and provide in-depth insights on a particular topic.

4. Video Posts

Video posts are among the most engaging content types on LinkedIn. You can share pre-recorded videos or go live to connect with your audience in real-time. Videos allow you to tell stories, demonstrate concepts, and share interviews. They are highly shareable and can significantly boost your visibility on the platform.

5. Polls and Surveys

Engaging your audience through polls and surveys can provide valuable insights and increase interaction. You can use this format to gather opinions, conduct market research, or simply engage your connections in a fun and interactive way.

6. Article Posts

LinkedIn Articles allow you to publish longer-form content. These are like blog posts directly on the platform. They are perfect for sharing in-depth industry analyses, thought leadership pieces, and educational content. Articles are an excellent choice if you want to position yourself as an authority in your field.

7. Event Posts

If you’re hosting an event, whether in-person or virtual, you can create an event post. This format is ideal for promoting webinars, workshops, conferences, or any professional gathering. Event posts provide all the details and allow attendees to register directly on LinkedIn.

8. Job Posts

LinkedIn is a primary platform for job seekers and recruiters. Job posts are the standard format for job listings. If you’re a recruiter or hiring manager, using this format is essential for finding the right talent.

9. Recommendations and Endorsements

You can post recommendations and endorsements for your connections. These posts are an excellent way to support colleagues, employees, or partners. They help build a positive professional network and enhance your reputation.

10. Hashtag Challenges and Trend Participation

Lastly, you can participate in trending hashtags and challenges. These posts allow you to join conversations relevant to your industry. They can increase your visibility and help you connect with professionals who share your interests.

Choosing the Right Format

To determine the best LinkedIn post format for you, consider your objectives and audience. If you want to share quick insights, text or image posts may be sufficient.

For more extensive content, articles or document posts are suitable. Videos work well for engaging a broad audience, and event posts are essential for professional gatherings.

Ultimately, it’s about aligning your chosen format with your goals and the preferences of your connections.


LinkedIn offers a variety of post formats to help you communicate, engage, and connect with your professional network.

Whether you prefer concise text posts, engaging videos, or in-depth articles, the key to success on LinkedIn is understanding your audience and your objectives.

Experiment with different formats, analyze their performance, and tailor your content strategy to what works best for you and your professional brand.



Priyanka Harlalka

SEO Specialist, Digital & Content Marketing Strategist With 4 years of experience