Mastering Google Search Console: Understanding Updates, Menu Options, and Key Metrics

Priyanka Harlalka
5 min readJun 15, 2024


Google Search Console (GSC) is an essential tool for webmasters and SEO professionals.

It provides valuable insights into how your website performs in Google Search and helps you optimize your site’s presence.

Mastering Google Search Console Understanding Updates, Menu Options, and Key Metrics

This blog will delve into the latest updates in GSC, explore its menu options, and explain key metrics such as top queries, clicks, impressions, CTR, position, and keyword types. Additionally, we’ll provide detailed instructions on how to use these features effectively.

Understanding Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console is a free web service provided by Google that helps webmasters monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot their website’s presence in Google Search results.

It offers a range of tools and reports for optimizing your site’s performance.

Importance of Google Search Console

  • Performance Monitoring: Track how your site is performing in search results.
  • Index Coverage: Ensure your site’s pages are properly indexed.
  • Security Issues: Identify and fix security issues.
  • Search Optimization: Optimize your content for better visibility.

Recent Updates in Google Search Console

Google frequently updates GSC to improve its functionality and user experience. Some of the recent updates include:

  • Core Web Vitals Report: Provides insights into your site’s loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability.
  • Improved Crawl Stats Report: Offers detailed information about Googlebot’s crawling activities.
  • Search Performance Report Enhancements: Allows better segmentation and filtering of search data.

Related read: Future Trends in Google’s Featured Section for Proactive SEO Strategy

Navigating the Google Search Console Menu


The Overview section provides a summary of your site’s performance, coverage, enhancements, and security issues.


The Performance report shows how your site performs in Google Search, including clicks, impressions, CTR, and average position.

URL Inspection

The URL Inspection tool allows you to check the indexing status of specific URLs and identify any issues.


The Coverage report provides insights into the indexing status of your site’s pages, including errors, warnings, valid pages, and excluded pages.


Submit your XML sitemaps to Google and monitor the status of your sitemap submissions.


The Enhancements section includes reports on various aspects of your site, such as Core Web Vitals, mobile usability, and structured data.

Security & Manual Actions

Check for any security issues or manual actions taken against your site that might affect its performance in search results.


The Links report shows the internal and external links to your site, helping you understand your site’s link structure.

Key Metrics in Google Search Console

Top Queries

The top Queries report shows the search queries that bring the most traffic to your site. This includes:

  • Clicks: Number of clicks your site received from Google Search.
  • Impressions: Number of times your site appeared in search results.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): Ratio of clicks to impressions.
  • Position: Average position of your site in search results.

Know more: Importance of Image and Video Generation in SEO


Clicks indicate how many times users clicked on your site’s links from search results. This metric helps you understand which keywords and queries drive traffic to your site.


Impressions measure how often your site appears in search results. High impressions with low clicks might indicate issues with your meta titles and descriptions.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

CTR is the percentage of impressions that resulted in a click. A higher CTR suggests that your titles and descriptions are compelling and relevant to the user’s query.


Position refers to the average ranking of your site in search results for a specific query. Improving your position can lead to higher clicks and traffic.

Keyword Type

Understanding the types of keywords (branded vs. non-branded) that drive traffic to your site can help you refine your content strategy.

Detailed Instructions on Using Google Search Console

Setting Up Google Search Console

  1. Verify Your Site: Add your site to GSC and verify ownership using one of the provided methods (HTML file upload, meta tag, Google Analytics, etc.).
  2. Submit Sitemaps: Navigate to the Sitemaps section and submit your XML sitemap to help Google crawl and index your pages efficiently.

Using the Performance Report

  1. Access the Performance Report: Log in to GSC and select “Performance” from the menu.
  2. Set the Date Range: Use the date range filter to analyze performance over a specific period.
  3. Analyze Clicks and Impressions: Review the number of clicks and impressions to understand which queries are driving traffic.
  4. Check CTR and Position: Evaluate the CTR and average position for each query to identify opportunities for optimization.
  5. Filter by Page, Country, and Device: Use filters to segment data by page, country, and device for more granular insights.

Leveraging URL Inspection Tool

  1. Enter a URL: In the URL Inspection tool, enter the URL you want to inspect.
  2. Check Indexing Status: See if the URL is indexed and identify any indexing issues.
  3. Request Indexing: If the URL is not indexed, request indexing to ensure it appears in search results.
  4. View Live Test: Run a live test to check how Googlebot sees your page and identify any immediate issues.

Utilizing Coverage Report

  1. Access the Coverage Report: Select “Coverage” from the menu to see the indexing status of your pages.
  2. Review Errors and Warnings: Identify and fix errors and warnings that may prevent pages from being indexed.
  3. Validate Fixes: After addressing issues, validate the fixes to inform Google that the problems have been resolved.

Enhancements Section

  1. Core Web Vitals: Monitor your site’s performance metrics such as LCP, FID, and CLS.
  2. Mobile Usability: Check for mobile usability issues that might affect user experience on mobile devices.
  3. Structured Data: Ensure your structured data is implemented correctly and fix any detected issues.

Also read: Google Maps SEO


Google Search Console is a powerful tool for optimizing your website’s performance in Google Search.

By understanding its menu options and key metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO strategy. Regularly monitoring and adjusting based on GSC insights will help you maintain a strong online presence and drive better results.

Staying updated with the latest features and best practices in GSC will ensure your website remains competitive and user-friendly.



Priyanka Harlalka

SEO Specialist, Digital & Content Marketing Strategist With 4 years of experience