Eager vs. Lazy Loading in Laravel: Optimizing Database Queries for Efficient Data Retrieval in Web Applications.

Priyank Gondaliya
2 min readSep 6, 2023


In Laravel, eager loading and lazy loading are two methods for retrieving related data when working with database relationships. These methods help optimize database queries and improve the performance of your application by controlling how and when related data is fetched.

Eager Loading:

Eager loading is a technique used to retrieve related data along with the main model data in a single query. It’s particularly useful when you anticipate needing the related data and want to avoid the N+1 query problem, where separate queries are executed for each related record. Eager loading can significantly reduce the number of database queries.

Let’s consider an example with two related models: User and Post. Each user can have multiple posts. To demonstrate eager loading, assume you want to retrieve a user along with their posts:

$user = User::with('posts')->find(1);

In this example, with('posts') specifies that you want to eager load the user's posts. Laravel will perform a single query to retrieve both the user and their associated posts. This is especially beneficial when looping through multiple users and their posts, as it eliminates the need for a separate query for each user's posts.

Lazy Loading:

Lazy loading, on the other hand, defers the loading of related data until it is explicitly requested. This means that related data is only fetched when you access a relationship property. Lazy loading is the default behavior in Laravel, and it is useful when you don’t always need the related data, as it minimizes unnecessary database queries.

Continuing with our User and Post example, suppose you want to retrieve a user and then fetch their posts lazily:

$user = User::find(1); // Fetch the user first

// Later in your code, when you need the posts
$posts = $user->posts;

In this case, the posts relationship is not loaded when you initially fetch the user. It's only loaded when you access the $user->posts property. This can be advantageous in situations where you want to minimize database queries and only retrieve related data when required.

It’s essential to choose the appropriate loading method (eager or lazy) based on your application’s needs. Eager loading is more efficient when you know in advance that you will use the related data, whereas lazy loading can save resources when you only occasionally require the related data

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Priyank Gondaliya

Software Engineer | 11 Years of Experience | Tech Lead | Passionate Coder | Want to work with me? Please reach out to priyankgondaliya45@gmail.com