Catch 22s of a Philophobic

Priyanshi Singh
2 min readJan 20, 2019


In the dilemma between heart and mind,

the mind conquered the battle field.

Whatever the pacing heart did was aborted, amid.

The talks that were once the best things of night…

Are now to be curtailed and lost its might.

Mind ordered to respect the decision without being provoked…

but the Heart cried and cried and cried and choked.

Skeptical heart created a fear in the mind,

Two souls were suffering despite being kind.

Dark instances of the past created hindrances for the future,

mind caged the heart and disallowed it to nurture.

Thousands of thoughts erupted in mind,

within a fraction of seconds or even much quicker,

the unknown fear overpowered the mind,

and heart began to flicker.

Entire dream that the eyes once held was shattered like a mirror,

the dilemma between heart and mind made the soul perplexed, even further.


Hope is immortal and will never die…

Caged mind even after trying could not lie,…

therefore, the soul denied to say any final goodbye.

Someday dawn will break the dusk again

Till then it is time for strength to regain.

Clouds that emerged suddenly will have to sway,

souls will get sun-kissed and will not part away.

No matter how much talk souls will curtail,…

at the end, the unconditional, the pure and the pious love will have to prevail.

Unknown fear of the heart will have to vacate,

Trust, is the ultimate weapon that will placate.

