You might be a clinomaniac!

Priyanut Wiwat
5 min readNov 5, 2018


Starting of by this meme. So sad ,huh?

He might be broken heart by any chance ,he is a clinomaniac meaning that he has a psychological disorder that makes him wanted to sleep all day long. It is called “Clinomania”.

What is Clinomania?

As a noun it means “Excessive desire to stay in bed”

Under this condition it can leads to many health problems too!

It will never be enough for them no matter how long they have been slept. Indicating that they have no desire or inspiration to do something any other than staying in bed.

Clinomania is an anxiety disorder that has a connection with other anxiety disorder like depression and chronic syndrome. Even a schizophrenia.

These pictures illustrate a schizophrenia patient who have a high level of dopamine.

No matter how much you tried to talk to them, they will not respond to you.

In these pictures, you can see that the patient will move their body if and only if someone does it for him and he will stay like this forever — it is called “involuntary movement”

(If you would like to see the video relating the schizophrenia here;

Who comes first : Clinomania VS Depression?

  1. The depression occurs first then followed by clinomania.

2. The clinomania occurs first then followed by depression.

In fact it can be one way or another.

Who let the ball rolling?

“What the…is this?” — The rock didn’t said. LOL.


Then what is Dopamine?

Dopamine helps us wanted to do things and body’s movement like grab a burger into your mouth.


There was an experiment with 2 mice: one with normal brain, the second one whose the part responsible for dopamine was surgically removed. They both felt the same pleasure, according to the measurement of a particular hormones and brain chemicals when they were drinking their favorite beverage-water dissolved with sugar . It turns out that the mouse without dopamine, even though it was dying from hunger, and the food was laying just right in front its face, it didn’t go to eat it. In the end this mouse died from starving to death. The scientist said the mouse just didn’t want to go there.

For a better understanding you can see that the small amount of dopamine can cause fatigue, depression but as a highest one on the explicit in schizophreniac.

The checklists that you might be a clinomaniac.

1. “My hobby is to sleeping”

2. Whenever you are awake, you just want to go back to your bed.

3. A perfect date is when you snuggling in your blanket! I know what you are thinking ;)

4. Thinking of leaving bed as bad as a cramp. (If you are a girl, you will know what I mean)

5. Would rather asleep more than anything else even if it for your heart’s sake (not a lover for my case but a food!) #dearfuturehusband

6. The best time for you is only when you get back together with your bed. #bestboyfriend

7. Do everything in bed. I mean everything! Eating, drinking, working and their secondary function… #NSFW

8. Never be enough even it’s already 12 hours in your bed.

9. While you are working, you are dreaming of lying on your bed already.

10. New years, Christmas, Song Karn all day in bed.

So if you are curious or match the checklists. I would suggested you guys to see a psychiatrist then they will find a solution for you.

Thank you for reading my article. See you again next week ;)

