Starting from Scratch: System Design Lesson 1

Priya Srivastava
2 min read4 days ago

The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is you have to make a generic structure in your mind for all system design questions and then improvise and enhance yourself over that basic structure

You have to understand the basic pattern :

Lets see the below design and lets try to use this as our base for further lessons .

I know it is looking so much overwhelmed to you …

But take a deep breath , will do it step by step and with baby steps :


We will go in-depth in each of us in our next lessons , we want to grasp basic structure first :

  1. Our request will go to API-Gateway which act as entry point to our system
  2. Then our request will go to Load balancer , which is responsible for manage that not only one server will get too many requests, request get distributed on other instances too , to ensure proper working of system
  3. Then distributed cache is used so that we can reduce latency , not everytime we need to make a call to backend
  4. Then comes our structure where we use kubernetes , docker and multiple instances of backend services , in short backend services will serve your business requirement , kubernetes will manage the autoscaling in case of less request coming we dont want all the instances to be up .
  5. Then Cache can be used (here keep in mind : Cache invalidation,cache eviction policies)
  6. The structrured data will go to rdbms

6'1 . Here the leader follower architecture is followed (Replication strategy is used to serve the high reads kind of requirement and also to reduce the data loss if leader goes down)

7 . Data which is being required is send back to the services , once business logic serves the requirement and process is success .

7'a. Data is also send to ELK , Kibana , Grafana for observability metrics and logs tracking


User needs to be notify their request is completed , for that notification message is sent to notification queue , so that message persist there even if the user is offline .

Exception :


In case request is not processed succesfully due to some connection issue or techincal failure , the request(or message) will be send back again to the services for reprocessing


The usecase where we need to store unstructured data we save the data in no-sql database and also send the data to Kibana/Grafana/ELK for analystical purposes or log tracing.

Thank you keep growing my people ….



Priya Srivastava

Focussing on the improvising the knowledge and sharing the journey of starting from scratch and then become the master of all.