3 min readFeb 4, 2023

Today let’s talk about the new trend going around on social media- POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS AND JUST HOW EFFECTIVE THEY ARE IN REALITY?

So before we begin to talk about just how effective affirmations are, lets first understand what positive affirmations really mean.

Positive affirmations are simple phrases and statements that are repeated again and again with the intention of shifting our mind-set and to offset the negative beliefs or thoughts we have.

A lot of people on social media have been claiming that positive affirmations changed their lives completely. They claim they owe their success, growth and happiness to the power of positive affirmations.

However there are also a lot of people who say that positive affirmations are hokum and they do not have any power in affecting our current reality and situations.

This brings us to our topic for today- Are positive affirmations real or hokum?

Our visual and auditory senses are capable of taking in and sending a lot of information to our brain every second. Now our brain doesn’t process all this information but instead only processes relevant information.

So say if you were thinking of a yellow car, your eyes would see cars of all colours, but your brain would only bring to your notice a yellow car.

Exactly like this example, in your life, if you are thinking of coffee, you would notice coffee shops, if you are thinking of money, you would notice opportunities that could make you money, if you think of obstacles, you will see obstacles.

So by this logic, if we repeat certain positive phrases everyday, our brain will only bring to our notice situations where these beliefs are being proven true, hence, effectively shifting our mindset into a positive one.

So are positive affirmations science or hokum or maybe they’re just an illusion of our minds (that we ourselves create based on our deeper beliefs).

But then again, you can have all the right beliefs, the right mind-sets, the right opportunities but if all this is not paired with action, it’s of no use.

So I would say that positive affirmations are useful to shift negative mind-sets or core beliefs that one might subconsciously have, but AFFIRMATIONS DON’T WORK UNLESS YOU DO. If a positive mind-set is not linked with action, it will not lead to results. But if you don’t have a positive mind-set, you can keep working hard but you might not yield results, you might self-sabotage your own success.

However, sometimes situations are not in our control and we cannot change them with affirmations, but if you use positive affirmations to shift your mind-set into a positive one, even in hard situations instead of ruminating about the hardships you cannot control, you will look for the next opportunity.




Books Enthusiast, Keynote Speaker | "The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself" |