How To Launch A Local Business Directory Website That Attracts Customers Like Crazy

8 min readJan 3, 2023

Knowing Local Business Directory Website

In this guide, we’ll walk you through all of the steps necessary to launch a business directory website. We’ll start by creating a catchy name for your new site and then move on to setting up your domain name and web hosting account. Next, we’ll outline some steps that you can take to create an attractive design for your business directory website so that it’s easy for customers looking for local businesses in their area to navigate around your site. Finally, we’ll show you how to build a search feature into your website so that people searching online can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

Access The Following:

1. Create a catchy name.

The most important aspect of a business directory website is its name. When you think about it, the name of your business directory website is one of the few items on your site that will be noticed by people who are visiting your site but do not know anything about you or what you offer. If they see that the name of your website can easily be connected to another well-known brand, it could lead them to assume that this new company is simply trying to capitalize on its popularity and reputation.

So how do we make sure our local SEO marketing strategy has a great logo? The answer is simple: Make sure that any names used in our marketing efforts are unique and can’t easily be confused with another company or product! You should also avoid using hyphens ( — ) as these characters create confusion when users try searching for companies in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs).

Using numbers instead of words can also cause problems because sometimes there are multiple businesses using similar names; for example “the pet shop” vs “the pet store”, so avoiding using numbers in these cases will help avoid confusion since there won’t be any ambiguity over which one you’re talking about when using phrases such as ‘the pet store’. Finally don’t use symbols such as dollar signs ($), asterisks (*), etc., either since these too could cause problems if someone were looking specifically

2. Domain name and web hosting.

Now that you have your business idea, it’s time to start planning for the launch of your local business directory website. As mentioned above, this will be an important part of your marketing strategy and is something that needs to be done right from the beginning.

To begin with, there are some things that you need to consider regarding domain names and hosting; such as:

  • Choose a domain name that is easy to remember. For example “business” would be easier than “” because it has fewer words and syllables in it
  • Choose a domain name that is short and easy to spell — like “business listings-USA” rather than something longer like “business-listings-USA”
  • Choose a memorable name — something catchy or descriptive such as “Local Business Listing Directory” vs just “Business Directory” (this will help people remember it more easily). This should also follow what’s already out there so as not to confuse visitors into thinking they’re going somewhere else entirely!

3. Business directory website design.

For your business directory website, your design should be clean and simple. The navigation bar should be on the top. You can use a good background image of your city in the background which will increase trustworthiness. Make sure you have a responsive design that works well with mobile devices as well as desktop computers.

Your site’s homepage must be easy to navigate with links to all important pages such as About Us, Services offered by category, etc., in order to help visitors get around without any difficulties in finding their desired information quickly and easily.

4. Build a search feature.

The search feature is one of the most important elements of your business directory website. This helps users find businesses near them, and it lets you show off how much information your site has.

It’s pretty straightforward to add a search function: just add a box in your navigation bar that says “Search” or something similar, then paste in this code:

5. Add business listing submission forms.

  • Add a business listing submission form

Add a business listing submission form on your website to encourage visitors to submit their own business information for inclusion in your local directory. You can use Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to create this tool; both are free and easy-to-use tools that allow you to create an online survey that collects data from respondents online. If you want to get fancy, consider using Typeform instead, which has more advanced features like conditional logic and custom styling options.

Next, send a link to this form through social media and email marketing campaigns so people can easily submit their information directly from their devices using business listing websites whenever they see fit (and make sure you include instructions on how best to navigate around the page). To ensure accurate results and ease of use for everyone involved, it’s important that potential customers clearly understand exactly what information needs collecting before filling out any forms about themselves or the businesses they own/represent:

  • First name — Last name — Company Name (optional)
  • Address 1 (street address) — Address 2 (optional) — City/Town/Village/Parish — County/State/Region (e.g., Florida) — Zip Code

6. Create a location hierarchy structure.

Once you have your business listing websites up and running, the next step is to make sure that it has a structure in place. A hierarchical structure will help users find exactly what they are looking for on your website.

A good way to do this is by using maps as well as location metadata tags (meta title, meta description, and meta keywords).

For example, if someone searches for “Chicago pizza”, then their search results should show the name of each pizzeria in Chicago followed by its address, phone number, and website URL. Then you can use local SEO techniques like reviews aggregated from Google My Business or Facebook Page Reviews.

7. Add local business listings to your website.

As a website owner, you want to make it easy for your users to add their own business listings. That way, they can be the first ones to submit the information and get noticed by your customers. To do this, you can either build a local small business directory submission form or use a third-party service like Google My Business.

Google My Business is one of the most popular tools for managing online business listings that integrates with Google Maps and other search engines such as Bing, Yahoo!, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, etc. It allows you to manage all of your online profiles in one place and publish them on multiple platforms at once such as Yelp, Facebook Places, TripAdvisor, etc. so that people can see them when they search on Google Maps or other places where these features are supported by showing up right next door before every single competitor in a small business directory!

8. Content marketing strategies for your business directory site.

Content marketing strategies are important to implement on your business directory site, alongside the other strategies mentioned above. These content strategies can be used to attract customers and provide them with the information they need to make buying decisions. But, how do you use these strategies effectively?

First and foremost, let’s start with what constitutes content marketing:

  • Blogging — blogs are a great way to post quality content that attracts customers and informs them of what can be done on your business listing sites or business directory sites. They should include things like “what,” “why,” “when” and “how.” For example: What can you do on our directory? Why would you want a profile here? When should I use this feature? How does it work?
  • Videos — videos are another type of content that could be useful for attracting customers in addition to blogs. The difference between them is that videos tend to draw more attention from people than written posts because they’re easier for people to consume than text-only articles (especially if they’re busy) on business listing sites. You might also consider live-streaming videos where possible; this makes it easier for viewers who may not have time all day long at their disposal but still want access during certain times throughout the day when their schedules allow!

9. Local SEO strategies for your website directory site

  • Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in local search results. Your primary goal is to get more traffic from people searching for local businesses near you. For example, if you have an online directory site and someone searches for “best pizza restaurants in Denver” on Google or Bing, your site will show up at the top of the search results due to its high rankings for that particular keyword phrase (or set of keywords).
  • While regular SEO strategies might include things like optimizing content and creating high-quality backlinks from other online business directory websites/resources, local SEO strategies also focus on getting reviews from customers as well as attracting backlinks from other sites that mention your brand or service offerings.

To launch a successful business directory website, you need to follow these tips

To launch a successful business directory website, you need to follow these tips:

  • Create a catchy name for your business directory site. It can be something like “Best Of XYZ” “XYZ Directory” or “XYZ City Guide.”
  • Get the domain name and web hosting for your site. You can purchase them from any of the popular web hosting providers like BlueHost or HostGator. Be sure to set up an email address for the site as well (like admin@[yourdomain]). If you don’t want to learn how to set up domain names and web hosts yourself, there are many companies out there that offer this service at an affordable price — just Google “local websites” plus your city name (example: “local websites New York”).
  • Make sure that you have everything ready before starting work on local business listings the design (colors, fonts, etc). This will save both time and money in designing efforts because once approved by the client(s), changes tend not to happen frequently after initial design approvals have been received


With these ideas in mind, you can create a successful business directory site. You will need to put a lot of work into making sure that your site is optimized for search engines and offers the right features for businesses to submit their local business listings. However, if done right, it’ll be worth it!

For more:

Get in Touch!
Website —
Address — PR Wires New York New York, 10027
Skype — shalabh.mishra
Telegram — shalabhmishra
Whatsapp — +919212306116
Email —
Mobile — +91–9212306116

