Sudarshan kriya a beautiful breathing technique helped me to be the Lead for Google DSC and Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and to Tackle worst situations!

Prnika Bakshi
5 min readSep 6, 2020

Hi guys back with a new content I hope it will be helpful to you all! ❤️

First of all let me give you a glimpse of what is Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya

Its a beautiful breathing technique which helps in bringing up your mind, body and soul in harmony and much more!

Sudarshan kriya is basically taught in ART OF LIVING ORGANIZATION it’s a guided breathing technique and Sri Sri Ravishankar is the one who founded this organization and gave this beautiful breathing technique to the world.

1000’s of research papers are written in this breathing technique and its a successful technique and is practiced in many places who have learnt this technique (IIT’S, BIG MNC’S LIKE GOOGLE, MICROSOFT, IISC, HARVARD and many more)

There was a research in Stanford University they took a test on people who were technically sounding good and others who were having good soft skills on the topic that who can become successful among them in life..

At last the conclusion was people who are having good soft skills are more successful in life as compared to technical ones

So what do we call SOFT SKILLS?

  • How you tackle a worst situation
  • How you stay positive
  • How you make your plan
  • How you look into your own self (introspection)
  • How you handle your mood, emotions
  • Leadership, team work, thinking, communication..

And much more

Though we all will be very good engineers, doctors etc.. But what happens to us when someone spoke wrong about us and we react on that. We just keep on thinking about that thing again and again like.. This person told about me like that.. This person did this with me etc..

This is where we loose our mental state and do wrong things.

So this is what Sudarshan Kriya helps you in blooming you as a beautiful flower 🌸

How it helps

  • It makes you happy and positive
  • It makes you energized
  • It make you a successful person in future (yes, guys its true as it helps in making your state of mind calm and balanced obviously it will help you to achieving your goals)
  • It makes your problems also solved(by giving your right thought at a right time)
  • It makes you an active person (a 6 hours of work you can do in 2 hours)
  • It makes you mind bloomed you get good thoughts and creativity is enriched.
  • It helps in bringing you up in present moment you are not stuck in past and future thoughts.

And much more..

And you know the most important thing in your body that can help you in getting up your things in a good way

It’s your Breath

Breath is something that is linked with your mind and body

So by doing Sudarshan Kriya it helps in making your breath come in a balanced way.

By doing this it will really help you a lot and you will feel the new change.

How it helped me?

Guys earlier I was dull in studies, quite lazy and I used to get mixed thoughts and my things never used be done in a proper way

I used to take about a day to learn a particular subject.

But this breathing technique helped me a lot. After practicing this technique day by day:

  • It helped me in being in present moments not getting mixed thoughts about past future.
  • It helped me in making my mind and body calm and active
  • It helped me in my studies
  • It helped in improving my soft as well as technical skills.
  • It helped me in improving my focus concentration.
  • It helped me in doing a task 100% not 50%.

So guys most of the people asked me how you are able to do 100 tasks in a proper way and it’s because of this technique! Most of the people skip the things when they are stressed up. Ya even i do get stressed but I am able to cope up with that and complete that task 100%.

So it’s a very beautiful technique. We all should must learn this technique it’s needed!!

With this thing guys I tell you I got selected to be the Lead for Google DSC to be a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador and much more..

This really helped me a lot in making my technical projects, in my studies, enriching my skills and personal growth.

And I don’t feel stressed up that working in Microsoft and Google I will skip the tasks given by them..


Won’t be able to do it.. as it’s so stressful to tackle both studies with these activities my answer will be NOOO!! though I will enjoy and will do my things in much much better way! And I am doing it! 😇

How this Sudarshan kriya is helping Covid-19 patients.

Guys Sudarshan Kriya helps a lot in increasing your lung capacity. People who were Covid positive patients… have practiced this Sudarshan Kriya and they got cured how because increase in lung capacity makes your lungs healthy.

Also 90% of energy we get from our Breath and only half of it we get by eating food, water etc.. So see Breath is so important and how we are neglecting it in this way. That’s sad!

By doing sudershan kriya you can increase your lung capacity as well as your energy ⚡.

Where you can learn this beautiful technique.

The Art of Living Organize many workshops which are called as BREATH AND MEDITATION WORKSHOP.

Nowadays due to pandemic these workshops are happening online not offline and at home you can learn this technique. This workshop is for 4 days and 2 hours. I hope you guys can devote 2 hours for yourself. We do so many things in a day why not to devote some time for ourself,for our growth.

We go for dental hygiene.. What about Mental hygiene?


I would just say that we all should learn this technique and you can get the above listed things if you will practice this technique every day!

For any information regarding Sudarshan Kriya and Art of Living workshops you can ping me anytime on Linkedin

Linkedin id:

I hope you guys liked it❤️

Thank you ⚡



Prnika Bakshi

Coder |Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador'2020|Google DSC lead 2020| Gender Champion under UGC