Unlocking the Beauty of Pascal’s Triangle

Pranav Sagar
3 min readSep 8, 2023


Pascal’s Triangle is constructed by starting with a single “1” at the top and adding rows below it. Each number in the triangle is the sum of the two numbers directly above it. Here’s a glimpse of the first few rows

Pascal’s Triangle
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1

Note : From row 1 to 6

In this we can get 3 variations of question

- Printing a Specific Element: Given a row and column, we want to find the value at that position, e.g., row 5, column 3 should return 6.

row-5, col-3

-> 6

- Printing a Specific Element: Given a row and column, we want to find the value at that position, e.g., row 5, column 3 should return 6.

print row 4

-> [ 1 3 3 1 ]

- Printing the Entire Triangle: We’ll generate and display the entire Pascal’s Triangle up to a specified number of rows.

n = 6

-> top digram ^

Approach for 1st variation

To find the value of any row and column use the formula of

To find the value of any row and column use the formula of  

### <sup>row - 1</sup> C <sub> col - 1

### = (row -1)! __/__ (col -1)! * __[__ ( row - 1) - (col - 1) __]__!

To put this in code we can modify it(shortcut)
public static int getValueOfRowColumn(int row, int col){
int ans = 1;
for(int i = 0;i<row;i++){
ans = ans * (col -i);
ans = ans / i+1;

return ans;

Approach for 2nd variation

Observation : n th row will always containg n element ( following 1 based index)

To print the whole row we have to iterate for n times for sure and in each iteration we have to use the ealier function find the value of each row & col.

for(int col = 1;i<= row;col++){

This will take O(row * col) time complexity which is not that good …we might be asked to optimize it ..which we will next!

now we will consider the 0 based indexing for the column

suppose we are talking about 4th row

    [1  5   10  10  5   1]

row = 6

[1 5 10 10 5 1]

1 5/1 5/1 * 4/2 5/1 * 4/2 * 3/3 5/1 * 4/2 * 3/3 * 2/2 5/1 * 4/2 * 3/3 * 2/4 * 1/5

- The first element is always 1.

- For each subsequent element, we can calculate it as previousElement * (row — col) / (col + 1)

row — col / col + 1

we can replace col + 1 to just col but strarting the loop from 1 only

public static List<Integer> printTheRow(int row){
List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<>();
int ans = 1;
for(int col = 1;col<row;col++){
ans = ans * (row - col);
ans = ans/col;
return temp;

Approach 3 — printing triangle

now we have to print row every n


public List<List<Integer>> generate(int numRows) {
List<List<Integer>> a = new ArrayList<>();
for(int row =1;row<=numRows;row++){
return a;
Leetcode Submission

