
Pravesh Koirala
1 min readJan 3, 2018


Whenever two aspiring philosophers meet, philosophies get exchanged. Some concrete, some abstract, mostly baseless and of course, none conclusive. Curiously, things always tend to spiral into the famed question of “what is life” during the course of such discussions.

As my friend Krishna put it one fine evening while high on sugar from the masala tea both of us were having,

“life is all about taking one’s own path.”

“You won’t find me arguing,” I supported; but he was not finished.

“Imagine two flower pots on either side of a window,”

This tea is too sweet, I am never going to lose my weight this way, I nodded.

“See, a sentient flower on the right side would lean towards its left to seek the sunlight. But if the flower on the left, copies its neighbor and leans the same direction then it would never get the sunlight!”

Should I really join BSc? What if it’s too tough? What if I can’t manage the time?
I nodded again.

“There you have it then; each individual has his own path. Following others will never lead you to the sunlight.”

“But what if it’s a fern?” I asked.

He ended up paying for the tea.

