Graphic Design Principles to Adopt in 2019

Isaac Rau
2 min readJul 2, 2019


Are you a graphic designer wishing to adopt new graphic design principles? As a new year looms, polishing your skills and learning something new can be a smart move. Here are some of the principles regarding graphic designing you should consider adopting.

Make Efficient Use of White Space

You might be tempted to fill all white place when it comes to graphic design. However, the difference between a good and a great designer is that the latter knows when to stop. A white space here and there does not hurt your craft. Instead, it draws attention to it.

Notice this creative of use of white space in a conference installation:

Photo by Show Ready

Value Simplicity

Sometimes the best designs are not the most complicated ones. Instead, your art can be very simple and straightforward, but still retains its impact. This is the kind of effect you should aim for. Do not get absorbed in the complexity of it all. Instead, keep it simple and let the story within your art shine through.

Add More Innovation

Yes, being innovative is risky. You never know whether any decision will stick its landing or not. However, if it does, it can transform how people look at and perceive your art. You will always come across clients who need something extra. In these cases, if you are not innovative enough, you will have a smaller chance of breaking out of your mold and standing out.

“Life and Death Part 1” by Serge Del Mar

Be Passionate About the Work

Magic is not created without passion and heart. This is why to create a quality piece of art, you must first be truly immersed in the process. Enjoying the experience itself can motivate you to create the best piece of work. Clients can also see from the result and quality of your work that you fully put your passion and energy behind it.

Photo by Marine

Graphic design is not easy, especially as it becomes more competitive and in-demand with many industries. Standing out among the various designers is even more challenging. In order to best distinguish yourself, taking a step back and learning how to simplify your work can pay dividends. Follow these steps and you can not only create better work, but have more passion about it as well.

