Add This Simple Image to Your Amazon Listing and Boost Conversions

Nick Custenborder
5 min readSep 19, 2019


The Amazon marketplace is more lucrative than it’s ever been. More sellers are making more money and growing their businesses like never before.

That means increased sales, profits and, of course, competition. In fact third party competition on Amazon is at an all time high. Sellers from nearly every part of the world are getting in on the action. We are also seeing a large uptick in Chinese manufacturers cutting out the middle-man (you and me) and selling their products directly on Amazon.

Now more than ever it’s vital that your product listing is vivid and tells a story to connect with customers. I have a huge list of proven tips and strategies to take your listing to the next level but today I’m going to focus on just one: The Customer Testimonial image.

It takes two of the most important things a customer considers when purchasing and combines them into one.

The first is the image. People are visual creatures and we relate to images. They tell stories and help us picture a product in our lives.

The other is social proof. Think about your own shopping experience on Amazon. A product with no reviews or low ratings get passed over quickly without a second thought. Putting 5 stars and the words of satisfied customers in your image will boost the visibility of social proof and increase your conversions.

The best part is you don’t need any special skills, software, or knowledge to create one. All you need is a 5 star review to feature in your image and access to a simple editing program like

Start with an image size of 1500 x 1500 or 2000 x 2000 pixels.

From there we just need to add a couple elements and you’ll have a professional testimonial image!

Background Image

You’ll want to use an image that matches the context of your product.

What do I mean by this?

Let’s say your product is a travel bag designed for commuters. Look for images that show trains, subways, highways or other elements related to commuting.

Keep in mind the pain points and needs of your customers as you determine what type of image to use. If your customers need a travel bag they can easily access while on the go, then your image should highlight movement, speed and convenience.

I prefer to also have a person in the image. The most important thing to consider is they should be smiling! This is vital to influencing the subconcious and creating a connection between your product and a feeling of satisfaction. Frowning or passive expressions will translate those respective emotions to your customers too!

Facial expressions influence how we feel. Ever have somebody flash a big smile at you? How did you feel? How about an ugly frown?

Since you’ll be overlaying the testimonial I recommend lowering the opacity of the background image so it has a faded effect. Around 30% opacity is a good place to start.

Don’t be fooled by it’s simplicity. This one image can separate your listing from the rest of the pack and boost conversions.

The Testimonial

I prefer to use a testimonial from your Amazon product listing instead of other sources. That way people can easily see the review is legitimate since it also appears down further in the review section. I recommend no more than 3 testimonials on a single image. The longer the testimonials, the fewer number you should include.

Look for reviews that are well written and those that have a person’s actual name. Some people use monikers or incoherent usernames when leaving reviews. Putting a real name next to the testimonial will make it feel more personal to a customer.

Simply copy and paste the review into your image. The font size should be large enough to read when the image is not expanded but should not take up the entire image. Try not to obstruct any key elements of your images either (like a person’s face).

Many different fonts can be used. My go-to is an easy to read serif font such as Lora. In my opinion serif fonts communicate trust and are better suited to testimonials.

Another element you need to add is a 5 star graphic near each testimonial. Amazon customers rely heavily on star ratings and are influenced by seeing them. Do not pass up an opportunity to boldy feature 5 stars in your image.

You can also include oversized quote graphics

but utilize opacity aggressively with them. The main focal point should be the actual testimonials.

Including your product image is not required. Here a baby is shown but not the actual product. The testimonials should always be the focal point.

Putting It Together

If you do include your product image, make sure to offset it and use opacity to ensure the testimonials are the primary focus. I usually put the product image in a corner or at the bottom. There are many different layouts so be sure to experiment and find what works best!

Once your image is complete the next step is to upload it to your Amazon listing. I recommend putting it in image slot #4 – #7. When viewing a product page the image thumbnails cutoff at #7 even though you can upload a total of 9. That means #8 and #9 aren’t visible unless the customer clicks to zoom on an image. You’ll want the testimonial to be seen without customers having to take extra steps to find it.



Nick Custenborder

Founder @, Co-Founder @ - Amazon thought leader. Over a decade of Amazon experience, $ millions in revenue.