I was curious about how the various guest hosts are faring and decided to look at the raw view counts and like counts. You can get precise counts of these using the youtube api. (Click on the image to see it bigger)
Couple of not-so-fine prints to keep in mind while you take a look at these graphs:
The code I used to pull this data and analyze this was entirely written by autopilot (chatgpt) and copilot. I reviewed the code with as much care and attention as would an addled raccoon who came upon the dumpster of a lazy drug dealer trying to get rid of evidence. So it is only fair I link to the code that was used to collect these numbers, as well as the data it pulled.
Some of these videos have been out for a month, while others have been out only for a few days. I am not controlling for that since doing so is complicated. You can only expect so much from addled raccoons. The other reason is this should technically give a host that went first a leg up. But as you can see from the bar graphs it doesn’t seem to leave a newer host at a disadvantage by all that much. I suspect that viewers have a short window of attention, and once a video is more than a week old it seems to fall off the radar anyway. Note also that some hosts have 13 videos and some might have 12 or 15. To normalize against this, I pulled the top 10 videos based on view counts for each host.
code: https://gist.github.com/why-not/a2d4e13633f24cb4e46d45054e12a796
data: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jxMPKB-8pifJT1eocJXG6B2moQsVChCN/view