Propolis to Cure Cancer


Cancer is currently ravaging our world. Drugs can’t seem to be made fast enough either. Besides, the side effects are sometimes worse than the cancer itself. Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells because it is toxic and kills about any type of cell, including the good ones! That is why chemo patients often experience hair loss, low energy, nausea, vomiting and so on. Because of this more and more health professionals are turning to natural solutions. After all, who wants to live through Hell to survive cancer?

This may seem like a change of subject, but bee propolis is in fact related to cancer as you will learn in a second. Propolis is what makes up the actual structure of a bee hive. The composition of this structure differs greatly depending on its location because bees make it from the local foliage. Bees in Wisconsin for instance manufacture a different propolis than those in Mexico.

In fact, there is a small region in Brazil that is home to bees that produce some of the rarest forms of propolis in the world. Each type has rare disease fighting properties including the ability of one type to cure cancer.

There are 3 types of propolis. Green, brown and red. Red is the rarest of all. And each has immune boosting, cancer fighting properties. There are many compounds yet to be discovered in propolis, but there are some that have been identified so far.

1. Brazilian green propolis has aaretpillian-C, know to interrupt PAK-1 which is a cancer promoting enzyme.

2. The brown Brazilian propolis contains caffeic acidphenethyl ester and diterpene-3 . These both fight various types of cancer.

3. Red propolis contains the most cancer fighting compounds. Vestitol and formononethin are the two most significant.

PAK-1 is an enzyme that sort of shuttles cancer cells, and sometimes other diseases throughout your body. Cancer depends on PAK-1 to be able to take over. By blocking this enzyme, cancer cannot effectively spread. And of course, the drug companies have tried, but failed to replicate the ability of Brazilian propolis to wipe out PAK-1.

In may not surprise you to learn that the government has been aware of this cure for quite some time. The HIS found some emails in 2013 that showed this to be the case. And yet we hear nothing about it and no one really knows why, although it more than likely relates directly to the billions and billions of dollars linked to cancer treatments, drugs, doctors and so forth. All that would go away if we all knew about Brazilian propolis.

In any case, propolis is a proven cure and also helps with many different diseases and conditions as well. Here are a few:

· Influenza

· Inflammatory disease and inflammation

· Gingivitis

· Candida

· Herpes

· Resistant enterococci bacteria

· Would healing

· Nerve pain

Of course, propolis is bought and sold all over the place, but for cancer, only Brazilian has been proven to work. How you process the propolis is important as well. It is not as easy as simply scooping it out of a hive. That is why it is important to get the best product available.



Paul Claybrook, MS, MBA - Nutritionist

I have a master's degree in Applied Nutrition and enjoy helping people with their health and fitness