Will AI replace Humans?

2 min readJun 16, 2023


Will AI replace humans?

Evolution of technology has forever contributed in the advancement and development of human race. Right from the telephones to mobiles, computers to smart devices technology has always tried to bring the world closer and now even on our fingertips. Ease of access and comfort are at the heart of any technological advancement. Same is the case with Artificial Intelligence popularly known as AI.

AI is nothing else but an artificial intelligence which is created by observing the patterns of human behaviors. It is basically the understanding of human brain and assumptions made based on the same to analyze the human behavior and provide services, answers and solutions to fulfill the human needs anytime and anywhere as per the requirement. Such simple is the profile of AI.

During the Covid times technology and the IT sector has crossed its industrial limits and has become an integral part of all the industrial functioning. Right from education to pharmaceuticals, factories to manufacturing units to ease up their functioning. And with the emergence of AI there is a new threat that most people fear is to their jobs being taken away as AI can function tirelessly, efficiently and continuously unlike humans who need some breaks, holidays etc. while they are working.

The matter of fact being people even feared when the computers emerged in the world, but even today decades later its emergence people are required to work on and monitor them to get the job done. Ofcourse some of the jobs have disappeared like the book keepers but many new have also emerged like the technicians to manage and maintain these computers.

Technology is always developed to make the human life easier not to replace them. All the technological advancements till date have made our human life easier by assisting in getting the work done with ease. Same is the case with AI it is being developed to assist us to get the monotonous tasks done easily and with great speed. In this case as well some of the jobs where there are no special skills required and are to be performed in uniform manner may be taken over by AI but along with that it will open another world of job opportunities where there would be huge scope of development and career growth opportunities as it’s the trending technology and need of the hour.

Darvin’s Theory of “The Survival of the Fittest!” is a perfect one liner to define the human and technology relation. The ones who can adapt to the ever-changing technology can survive and grow further but the ones who can’t would become history.

