Process Analytics — January 2023 News

Process Analytics
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


Winter snow
Cover photo by Tomáš Malík on Unsplash

Welcome to the Process Analytics monthly news 👋.

Our “always” reminder: The goal of the Process Analytics project is to provide a means to rapidly display meaningful Process Analytics components in your web pages using BPMN 2.0 notation and Open Source libraries.

It’s a new year 🎊 and what better way to kick off 2023 than with some Process Analytics news! January brought us exciting developments in the world of bpmn-visualization and pm4py integration 🔗. With our team working hard to connect the dots, we’re making bpmn-visualization more accessible and easier to integrate with the Process Mining ecosystem.

Let’s dive into the details and see what else this month has to offer 👀.

Integrating bpmn-visualization and pm4py

We released an integration example between bpmn-visualization and the state-of-the-art process mining library pm4py. This integration means you can perform process mining and visualize the results on BPMN models. You can watch the video showcasing the integration example on our youtube channel.

A screenshot from the integration example between bpmn-visualization and pm4py showing the result of conformance checking on a BPMN model

With this integration, the Process Analytics project empowers the community to take control of your process visualization and bring your process mining results to life with ease ✨. Additionally, the integration offers a way to gain a deeper understanding of the limitations and requirements when it comes to BPMN based process mining and visualization.

Bringing Process Analytics into the Classroom

Recently, Nour, our developer advocate, had the opportunity to bring process analytics into the classroom by presenting an introduction to process mining at Telecom SudParis 🎓. The lecture was followed by a hands-on session using bpmn-visualization and pm4py, so students got a practical understanding of the process mining and visualization tools.

Introducting Process Mining to students at Telecom Sudparis

This educational experience gave them an opportunity to learn about the usefulness of process mining and visualization and how it can be applied to real-world scenarios 💪.

bpmnVisualizationR Package

Versions 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 were released in January.

These new versions include documentation improvements to better meet CRAN’s requirements.

Notice that the package has been renamed. Please check out the corresponding release notes to see what changes you need to make in your R project to use the updated package.

bpmn-visualization TypeScript library

In January, we released two maintenance versions of the bpmn-visualization TypeScript library: 0.29.1 and 0.29.2.

They mainly include documentation improvements.

That’s all folks!

We hope you enjoyed this January project news and are looking forward to the exciting developments and advancements that are coming in the next months. Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the process analytics project 👋.

In the meantime, stay on top of the latest news and releases by following us:



Process Analytics

Rapidly display meaningful Process Analytics components in your web pages using BPMN 2.0 notation and Open Source libraries.