Enhance Your Lifestyle with Procom’s Smart Switchboards in Hyderabad

3 min readAug 13, 2023



In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, smart home automation in Hyderabad has emerged as a game-changer, transforming the way we live and interact with our living spaces. Hyderabad, a city known for its technological advancements, is now stepping into the future of home management with Procom’s innovative Smart Switchboards in Hyderabad. These cutting-edge devices are designed to seamlessly integrate into your lifestyle, offering convenience, energy efficiency, and a touch of sophistication to your home.

The Evolution of Smart Home Automation in Hyderabad:

Gone are the days of traditional switches and dimmers. With Procom’s Smart Switchboards in Hyderabad, you’re entering an era of intelligent home control. Our devices connect to your home network, allowing you to manage your lights, fans, and even appliances remotely through your smartphone or voice commands. Experience the luxury of adjusting your home environment without leaving your seat.

Seamlessly Intuitive Control:

Procom’s Smart Switchboards in Hyderabad are designed with user-friendliness in mind. The intuitive mobile app interface empowers you to effortlessly control every aspect of your home’s electrical system. Dim the lights to create a cozy ambiance, schedule your appliances to conserve energy, or set up a “Good Morning” scene that gradually brightens your space to gently wake you up. The possibilities are limitless, and the control is at your fingertips.

Voice Your Commands:

Thanks to compatibility with popular voice assistants like Alexa and our Procom’s App , interacting with your smart home is as easy as speaking up. Imagine arriving home after a long day and simply saying, “Hey”, turn on the living room lights.” Procom’s Smart Switchboards make this scenario a reality, adding an extra layer of convenience to your life.

Enhanced Security:

Home security receives a boost with Procom’s Smart Switchboards. Going on vacation? Use the “Away” mode to randomly turn lights on and off, creating the illusion of an occupied home. You can also set up motion-activated lighting, deterring potential intruders and making your home a less appealing target.

Energy Efficiency:

Hyderabad’s scorching summers often lead to increased energy consumption. With Procom’s Smart Switchboards, you have the ability to monitor and optimize your energy usage. Set up schedules to automatically turn off unnecessary lights and appliances, or remotely control them when you realize something’s been left on. This not only saves energy but also contributes to reducing your utility bills.


Procom’s Smart Switchboards in Hyderabad are much more than just switches; they’re gateways to a smarter, more convenient, and energy-efficient lifestyle. As Hyderabad embraces technological advancements, there’s no better time to enhance your home with these intelligent devices. From controlling your home environment with a simple voice command to optimizing energy consumption, these switchboards offer a new level of convenience and sophistication. Embrace the future today with Procom’s Smart Switchboards and experience a truly connected and enhanced lifestyle.




Procom is a leading provider of smart home automation solutions in Hyderabad.