Augmented Reality in Education

Proctur — Your Pocket Classroom
2 min readAug 13, 2019

Today most of the youngsters own smart phones. Most of them are active phone users that use these gadgets to access social media, play games and to be in connection with friends and relatives. Very less of them use smartphones for studying purposes.

Augmented Reality (AR) refers to deploying virtual images over real-world objects. The overlay is executed simultaneously with the input received from a camera or another input device like smart glasses.

Educators know that the learning process should be all about creativity and interaction. While teachers do not necessarily need to enrol all students into science, their objective is to get them interested in a subject. That’s where AR could come in handy.

Augmented reality animated content in classroom lessons could catch students’ attention in our dynamic day and age, as well as motivate them to study. AR increases the engagement and interaction of the students in lessons, as they are seeing and experiencing what they are learning. Teachers can use augmented reality to teach abstract and complex concepts because it helps students to visually see complex 3D models rather than imagining it in mind.

Watch this interesting ted talk for understanding how AR has been changing the field of education

AR has the potential to change the location and timing of studying, to introduce new and additional ways and methods. Capabilities of Augmented Reality technology may make classes more engaging and immersive

The use of augmented reality visual content can catch student’s attention AR technology has an ability to render objects that are hard to imagine and turn them into 3D models, thus making it easier to grasp the abstract and difficult content. This is especially good for visual learners and practically anyone to translate theoretical material into a real concept. So AR is helping students learn in a completely new way.

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