How to find a dream job in the US: tips from a top US recruiter from Notion. Part 2

Anna Naumova
4 min readMay 30, 2024


Hi! My name is Anna Naumova, Principal Product Manager in the US for over 8 years, before that I worked as a product manager in such companies as Apple and VK (Russia). I am also a career coach, I help IT professionals to get an offer and move to the US, and I also host my own podcast “ProdCast” where I tell how to find a job in the US.

The US job market is going through some tough times right now — mass layoffs in the IT sector, rising interest rates and inflation are forcing companies to downsize. Money is not as “cheap” as it was during the pandemic. Competition for job openings is incredibly fierce — hundreds of responses per position have become the norm. So how do you stand out from the crowd and get the attention of recruiters?

I spoke with David Kimball, Senior Director of Recruiting at Candidate Labs, a recruiting firm in the US (recruiting for well-known companies like Notion, Deel and Airlabs). I can’t help but share with you some insider tips from a top US recruiter.

In part one of our interview, we discussed the importance of a quality LinkedIn profile, the power of networking, and the rules for openly discussing salary expectations. If you haven’t read part one yet, Be sure to check it out at the link below.

In this article, I’ve collected the second part of insights from the practice of well-known companies that will bring you closer to the coveted offer.

  1. Show Creativity

In today’s competitive environment, it’s not enough to just have a good resume. To get a recruiter’s attention, you need to stand out. One way to do this is to include a video presentation with your application. Talk about why you want to work for this particular company and how your skills and values align with their mission. You can use AI like ChatGPT for inspiration and ideas, but make the emails and video messages themselves unique.

2. Use AI

AI tools can be your job search assistant. ChatGPT can help you edit your resume, correct grammar, remove unnecessary words, and identify key skills for a specific job opening. Services like Jasper or can write memorable cover letters and LinkedIn posts. And tools like Claude can help you prepare for a job interview by generating a list of possible questions. Keep in mind that AI tools can’t do everything for you, but they can help you prepare.

3. Optimize your resume for ATS, but remember that a human will make the decision

ATSs have become an integral part of the hiring process, but algorithms are only the first step in the selection process. The final decision is always up to the individual. David Kimball gives the example of working with a startup company that was looking for a developer. More than 500 candidates applied for the position, but of the 19 people invited to interview, only 1–2 were self-referred through the website and passed the ATS. The other 17 entered the process through recruiters or referrals.

This case study clearly shows that optimizing your resume for ATS is important to get past the initial filters, but you should not get carried away with keywords and artificial phrasing. Your goal is not just to get through the ATS, but to generate interest in your candidacy, demonstrate your skills and experience, and tell a coherent story about your career path.

4. Don’t get discouraged

Finding a job, especially if you are an immigrant, is a difficult and time-consuming process. Be prepared for multiple rejections and silence from recruiters. Remember that the focus should not be on the number of resumes sent, but on their quality (matching your profile and the company’s needs), self-presentation and networking. Use each rejection as an opportunity to improve.

Even in the current challenging environment, the most persistent and adaptable candidates will eventually find their dream job. Be strategic, be creative, and don’t be afraid to use the tools that can help you — and your efforts will pay off.

In conclusion

Finding a job in the US is a big challenge that requires a strategic approach and perseverance. By following the tips in this article, you will increase your chances of catching the attention of top employers. Remember that the job search is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, persistent, and keep honing your skills. Success is sure to come!

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Anna Naumova

Principal Product Manager @ ex-Apple | Prodcast Production Founder | Career Coach in the US