7 Pros and Cons of Being the Tallest Girl Around

2 min readMay 9, 2016


“What’s the weather like up there?”

As a kid, you were always told to eat your veggies and drink your milk if you wanted to be tall. Malt companies like Complan and Horlicks, have targeted concerned parents, urging their kids to supplement their diet so that they get tall enough. Being tall is great, sometimes, but it has it’s drawbacks too.

1. Con: You never have enough leg room.

It’s always a struggle. In planes, cars and chairs, you’re always cramped and squeezed in and your limbs are clamoring to be set free. Isn’t it a wonder tall people detest the economy class on planes! Those seats look like they’re built for an eight-grade trip to a picnic spot!

2. Pro: But you also never have to ask people to get things down from the top shelf for you!

Short people are always stretching to reach, climbing, cursing, giving up, and then finally asking a taller person to get something off a high shelf for them! As a tall girl, you get to be the benevolent friend who hands down the wanted object effortlessly and gets tagged a life-saver!

3. Con: Dresses are two short on you!

Your immense collection of minis stems from the fact that most regular sized dresses, are mini on you! You can’t wear maxis because they never reach below your ankle. The trend you get on board with is the ankle-length jeans trend, which you wore the hell out of! You wish stores would stock your size, and are thankful that jeans, at least, come in longer lengths.

4. Pro: You can be a model.

Unfortunately, in India, beauty standards are height-biased. Most pageants do not allow women of average height, that is 5 to 5”4 to participate. So if you’re tall, make the most of your height.

5. Con: People often ask you if you’re a basketballer or a model.

People are annoying and they won’t leave anyone well alone. If you’re constantly being asked to why you don’t model or play basketball, you feel the pain. It’s none of their business but they won’t stop asking anyway.

6. Pro: People take you more seriously.

Being taller means that you look older, more formidable and authoritative than your shorter friends. When you talk, people listen, and find it hard to ignore you.

7. Con: People also make bad jokes at your expense.

“Whats’s the weather like up there?”, “Are you from the giraffe family?”, “You definitely have giant blood in you.”
Enough already! All the eye-rolling is making you tired.

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