ProductBeat updates for July 2019

3 min readJul 2, 2019


Hello world! Summer months are here, and we have some updates for you, in return for all the amazing words of encouragement and feedback we receive. ProductBeat has some exciting new features and improvements, and we hope you like them.

New team view (left) and Team Hub Pro (right)

Beta: Team Hub Pro

As your products and team scale up, so does ProductBeat. We’ve redesigned the team management view, and you can now see all subtask assignments on the team home page among other improvements. You can always see what each team member is working on at a glance!

But we’re rolling out something even better: Team Hub Pro is now in beta. This expands the team pages by giving you an intelligent overview of all boards’ stats, epics and their progress. We also show recent releases here — everything you need to know. This is an absolute killer for any team managing multiple products or boards, and we’re very excited to finally start rolling this out!

Team Hub Pro is available to everyone during the beta period, after which it’ll be added to the Pro and Enterprise plans. Check your account settings to turn on beta features.

New epics page

On our way to better roadmapping features, we’ve done summer cleaning. You might notice a decent amount of tweaks to epics, especially on the reorganised Roadmap page.

You can show or hide active tasks, to understand what still needs to be done to complete everything.

Faster backlog

We have a bunch of updates for the core backlog management experience.

  • Add tickets to epics directly from the backlog view
  • Mark milestones as released: they will show up in your release timeline along with launched features
  • Move milestones between sections easily
  • Set and remember assignee and epic for new tasks
  • Get a hint when the team needs more refined tickets
  • Get a hint about what to do about a task that’s assigned to you

These design details make your life easier, and help you do the right thing when managing your product. This is part of our ongoing journey to always surface best practices, putting agile theory into practice in a simple way!

Summer bonus: Dark mode

It’s all the craze nowadays, and yes, we’re jumping on the bandwagon too. ProductBeat can now be set to dark mode for those night-time product sessions. Hurrah!

To use the dark mode, go to My tasks, scroll to the bottom of the page and press My account. Turn on experimental features and toggle on dark mode.

This is still experimental, but we know you guys are waiting for it so we’re putting it out even if it’s still a bit rough around the edges.

Get started with ProductBeat

ProductBeat is a simple but powerful product management tool for modern product teams. If you’re developing software and are looking for something a smack in the middle between Trello and Jira to help you plan and keep track of your product roadmap, releases and team work, this one is for you.

Sign up on to try it out, and read our detailed get started guide to hit the ground running!

