A Guide to Making Vision Boards

The Break
3 min readJan 14, 2023

I stumbled this whole idea of creating vision boards in 2021. I went on to experiment on this idea at the end of 2021 but did not have everything in order. Later on, I researched more about the idea and successfully created one for last year. In today’s post ,I want to share what can help you create one — whether you are considering a leap of any kind — whether professional or personal, this is for you.

First, let us define what a vision board is: According to Maria Rahajeng, it is “a collage of images or pictures and affirmations of one’s dreams and desires designed to serve as a source of inspiration and motivation using the law of attraction to attain goals.”

To put it in simple terms, it is a visual representation of your dreams.

Courtesy of Pexels

Here are a few steps that you may consider when making a vision board.

  1. Think about/ reflect on your past success/life. Looking back will make you more aware of your accomplishments as well as your areas for improvement. Incase you need a guide on how to do this, please check out my previous post here on doing a life audit.
  2. Consider what you want for your future. This can be accomplished by outlining your aspirations on paper, including where you picture yourself in the upcoming year, month, or 10 years.
  3. Define the categories you want to define in your vision board. You can use this information to determine if you want to create multiple vision boards for your life. I’ll outline how I divided my vision board into six primary categories: hobbies, travel, knowledge, social life, wealth and finances, and health. I have created a Pinterest board where I have saved vision board ideas that you can check out for inspiration when creating your own.
A page from my 2022 vision board

4. Find pictures that you can use to visually represent your dreams. If you are working on creating a physical vision board, you can cut out pictures from old magazines, stickers or download stock photos from the internet. For digital vision boards, you have the freedom to download stock photos as well as use free templates to bring one to life. I highly recommend using Canva to create a digital one since it is east to use. The key thing in this process is to be patient, since this can take weeks to create one. What I have come to realize is that putting your dreams on paper makes it become increasingly clear once you frame it.

5.Decide on where you want to display your vision board. For digital vision boards, you can display them as a wall paper on your desktop or phone so that you constantly remind yourself what you want to achieve in life.

Lastly, here is what you may need when either creating a digital or physical vision board.

Physical vision boards: Clip art, glue, stickers, colored paper, a board, colorful pens, magazine cutouts or print photos from the internet.

Digital vision boards: Access to sites where you can download stock photos such as Unsplash, Pexels etc. Online tools where you can create your vision board such as Canva.



The Break

A space where I share with you ideas and things that I have found helpful in helping me restructure my life and improve it. Wellness| life stories Take a break!