Elon Musk’s Productivity Habits: 4 Best Strategies for Supercharging Your Success

Brian Keyes
5 min readMay 12, 2022
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The world’s most productive people are almost always the ones who spend the most time on their jobs. They are the ones who stay on top of the game and continue to produce results at peak performance. In fact, the number one reason why productive people are not more productive is because they do not have the necessary time to work on their projects. Elon Musk is one of the most productive people on the planet. He is the CEO of one of the most successful tech companies in the world: Tesla. The company’s Model S was the world’s first electric car produced at scale, and the first company to produce an affordable electric car. He is also the CEO of SpaceX, which manufactures the world’s first privately funded liquid rocket. Furthermore, he is the co-founder of Zip2, an internet software company that was acquired by Compaq for $307 million. The list goes on and on. Why is he so productive? How does he achieve such success at such a young age? And how can you supercharge your productivity as well? Read on to find out.

Buffer your workflow

Productive people spend the most time on the projects that are most important to them. They are not distracted by projects that are less important. It is important to have as much control over your workflow as possible in order to put your…



Brian Keyes

Living, learning, improving. I write about life and productivity in uncomplicated words. https://linktr.ee/productivitybee