How to … build a process diagram using Lucidchart

Product Joy
2 min readNov 22, 2021


I have previous experience designing processes using other platforms (Visio, Confluence,, but wanted to navigate through Lucidchart and understand their capabilities.

I have created two process diagrams, drafting requirements myself.

Diagram 1: HR process — hiring a personal trainer for a gym


The recruitment process starts by opening the vacancy in the company’s internal tool. Then, the job is advertised on different online platforms. HR receives a series of applications and then does a manual screening of them. Some applicants are not qualified and they won’t be contacted for a interview. The applicants will go to one interview and a practical test, then they are presented a job offer. If the applicant accepts it, they will sign the contract.

Personal trainer hiring process flow diagram

Diagram 2: Illustrate the “5 WHYs” root cause analysis


The recruitment process is taking a long time although there is one HR and one experienced PT who is testing the candidates. Ask WHY to get a (fictional) root cause of the problem.

5 WHYs diagram

For more information, see:

Note: This post is not endorsed or sponsored by Lucidchart.



Product Joy

Thoughts on product management, business analysis, Agile, career coaching. "How to" short articles. 7+ years experience in IT.