A few years from now, I see myself serving as a mentor for others interested in UX.

Products by Women
Products by Women Journal
4 min readAug 19, 2020


My name is Siena Tetali, and I am currently working and volunteering with a few organizations as a User Experience Researcher. I received my bachelor’s degree from Georgia Institute of Technology, where I studied Neuroscience and Psychology. I love getting outdoors and being active, but I also enjoy a good Netflix binge session.

Your background is in Neuroscience and Psychology — what made you pivot into user research?

When I was a junior in high school someone close to me was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. My reaction to this was a million questions — what causes this? Why did this happen? What even is Bipolar Disorder, really? It was an overwhelming curiosity that spurred my decision to declare Neuroscience as my major in college. This same curiosity led me to UX. The more I learned about the systems in the brain, the more I wondered about bigger picture applications of Neuroscience and Psychology. This is how I came across Don Norman’s book, “The Design of Everyday Things,” which discusses various aspects of this interaction between individuals and products in the environment. When I was reading this, everything started to click. It felt like an epiphany — “This is exactly what I want to be learning about!” User research appeals to me because it is investigative and is all about understanding the user, which is really the best part.

What is your best skill as a UX researcher and what advice would you give to someone who is trying to learn this skill?

This is a tricky question because I think something that is beneficial to user experience research and design teams is diversity. I would say it’s advantageous to have a wide range of both strengths and weaknesses. Yes, weaknesses — as long as you’re willing to learn. I’m not sure if it can be considered a skill, but I think having a great amount of curiosity and a desire to keep learning is very important and is something that has helped me get to where I am. In terms of more specific skills, organization is key. Files and documents can quickly accumulate throughout a project so creating folders and spaces on Google Docs, Basecamp, and Notion has helped tremendously!

How do you see yourself making an impact in tech and innovation and where do you see yourself in a few years from now?

When there are so many technologies that consumers can choose from, I believe design becomes an important factor that can make or break a product’s success. In addition, in my mind, impactful design requires research. I will be making an impact by doing my best to understand the people who use the product. However, I want to be doing research to help effect a positive change in society. This may mean doing work for organizations that serve underrepresented communities. It could also mean working for a healthcare company to ensure patients get the care and treatment they need without added hassles. My ultimate goal is to use the skills and knowledge I acquire for social good. A few years from now, I see myself serving as a mentor for others interested in UX. I will be aspiring towards a leadership role in my field but also continuing to learn — I don’t think this part will ever change.

Products by Women is a diverse global community network for women in innovation and tech. The network offers women the opportunity to connect and learn from peers from around the world, find jobs beyond borders and get matched with recruiters and mentors to accelerate their career.

“Simply put, if we are building products for the people of the world, the people of the world have to build the products. Technology has to be open-minded and equitable because the future of our very existence depends on it.” Michelle Gbolumah

Products by Women was founded in 2019 and was formerly called New York Women in Product Management (NYWPM). The network has now expanded virtually across US, India, Canada, Singapore, Amsterdam, UK and more… and is now a diverse community where women can connect, innovate, exchange ideas and make some deep friendships along the way.

