The Live Slow Manifesto

Prof. Arrow Gent
2 min readJan 21, 2019


Ladies and Gentleman and Variations Thereupon,

I would like, if I may, to present Prof. Arrow Gent’s Live Slow Manifesto.
A manifesto of mantras.

The Live Slow Manifesto

I. Live Slow Die Old

Join the Slow Movement.
Seek quality, not quantity of life experiences.

II. Lagom is Best

“The right amount is best.”

III. Don’t Panic

Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is the most educational book I have ever read.
“Don’t Panic” is the best advice ever given to humanity.

IV. Be More Kind

Frank Turner’s call to Be More Kind is vital.
Always remember empathy, even towards those who lack it.
There are evil words. There are evil deeds. There are no evil beings.

“No one becomes kind via a beating.”
Swedish philosopher Bamse.

V. Stronger Heart. Thicker Skin. Louder Mouth.

Danko Jones’ mantra from The Mountain will feed future success.
No one gets through life without scars, setbacks or sceptics.

VI. Don’t Dream It, Be It

While Dr. Frank N. Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture is not the best role model, here he is right.
Do not waste your time by not being the person you are. Loud and in public.
Unless you want to hurt people, then “Dream it, don’t be it.”

VII. We Can Get Better, Because We’re Not Dead Yet

Take heed of Frank Turner’s proclamation to Get Better.
It reminds us that while the heart is pumping and the head is humming, there is hope for growth.

That is all I intended told.
Go forth and Live Slow Die Old.
- Prof. Arrow Gent

P.S. If you have the means and desire, please help fight against the climate crisis. Support a Gold Standard-project. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.



Prof. Arrow Gent

In truth, neither professor nor Arrow Gent. Swedish and, as such, required by law to be humble. Here to motivate to Live Slow Die Old.