On Finding yourself

Erik Smith
2 min readAug 1, 2022


Dear Seeker, in the end you won’t so much find yourself, as build yourself.

Just don’t expect construction to happen quickly. It can take years to clear the building site from the trees of conditioning, the vines of expectations, and the boulders of trauma.

Using what you clear away to build with, is highly recommended.

The trauma boulders preventing you from moving on, are perfect for creating a solid foundation, once you realize you survived.

The trees of conditioning blocking your vision, are perfect timber for framing as you selectively trim away branches and “design the masterpiece you want your life to be”.

Those vines of expectations… yeah, fuck those things entirely, and yeet them out to the border of your property for use as solid boundaries. Never let anyone near you with those nasty things again.

Then go out into the world and find the things that make you sparkle; your favorite song, art that moves you, those you love and love you back just as fiercely, and use them to fill your temple of highest self.

Infuse all of it with the magic of a lifetime of amazing experiences and beautiful realizations.

Lean into all of this with the confidence of a Being who has been through it all and SURVIVED!

Now rest in the perfection of this moment and just BE, you’ve earned it.




Erik Smith

Engineer, Yogi, tree hugger, serial over-thinker (is that hyphen really necessary?) and storyteller. Learning how to just BE, one breath at a time.