Dear U.S. Government: Do Your Job to Stop Tech Monopolies

My year-end predictions for major tech players — and a government that refuses to control them

Scott Galloway


Editor’s Note: No Mercy/No Malice is a column from Professor Scott Galloway, where he shares various reflections on business, tech, and life each week.

The U.K. Parliament released a trove of emails illuminating the inner workings of Facebook. I believe the navel-gazing around “what to do” about Zuck and Sheryl Sandberg has become ridiculous. Each day, a different media outlet calls me and asks, “What can Mark and Sheryl do?” Failing to put in place safeguards to ensure your business isn’t weaponized by a foreign government and then lying to the public and your board render a simple solution: they can be fired. However, we’ve now entered the pile-on phase, where everything the social media firm does is cast in a negative light.

I’ve read through most of the emails released by the U.K. Parliament. My reaction? “So what?” The email getting the most play is a dialogue between Zuck and a Facebook executive agreeing to restrict video app Vine’s access to the Facebook API, making life much harder for the Twitter property. Yes, they practice full-contact capitalism and do anything they can to kill their competitors. As they should. What the…



Scott Galloway

Prof Marketing, NYU Stern • Host, CNN+ • Pivot, Prof G Podcasts • Bestselling author, The Four, The Algebra of Happiness, Post Corona •