What are the challenges that pandemic-era’s CEOs are facing today?

Professor Lili Saghafi
3 min readApr 28, 2020


Image Credit: EnterpriseTalk
Professor Lili Saghafi , Professor in Computer Science, MBA,Dean / Director / SAP Consultant / CIS Online Program Author/ E-Learning Consultant

Recently there are various considerations of how to run business in this pandemic-era. Depending on the industry the challenges and concerns might differ. Some hospital’s CEOs identified their biggest challenge that they are facing today and in 5 years to come. ( Hospital Review ).

But no matter what the industry is, they all have one same big challenge, more and more they are depending on IT. From online supply chain management to employees that are remotely working from Cyberattack to Internet safety consideration for their VPN.

The business’s, as usual, might never happen again. It was the first time in human history that during two weeks the business changed its shape, they went online mostly.

There are many predictions currently being made about how the world might be changed by the coronavirus. Will our lives back to normal, whatever normal is after pandemic?

Running of the business needs to be reshaping even after things back to normal, whatever that normal is.

Today’s business owners and CEOs must know the value of IT, IT as I always mention is an investment, and today in this time of crises it shows how much it is valuable.

the Institute for Public Relations for WARTIME LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION, prescribe certain manners for leaders and CEOs when it comes to communication. Transparency, authenticity, empathy, leading with humanity, optimism.

It is not only in communication that they need to reshape their expertise, but also they need to know :

· How to balance being an inspirational and comforting leader while continuing to push on performance

· How to respond to countless questions from managers and the frontline when no clear answers exist.

· How to maintain my visibility and influence in the organization with limited interaction opportunities.

· How to keep building my personal brand within the company without appearing self-centered

· How to keep my the team engaged while working remotely.

. How to keep my team engaged while working remotely.

· How to be thoughtful and have the ability to reassure.

But one of the MOST important things that they need to work on it harder is to strengthen their IT in many different ways.

I recently published an article and mentioned that the next catastrophic threat to be ready for is Cyberattack. Prevention is always better than correction.

In the past, before the pandemic-era, according to Forbes, there was 3 main reason why companies should invest in IT.

One was that “ Tech Investments Are Worth The (Low) Overhead “ Second “ Software Development Can Improve Business “ and third “ Tech Investments Can Help Create Better Interactions with Customers”.

But in the new era, I should add, no business can survive without IT at any level. Not only to prevent the next catastrophic event but also to keep the business alive.

So one of the biggest challenges that CEOs are facing is how to deal with their IT department in a more effective way.

The next biggest challenge for any CEO is how to deal with the Post dramatic effect of pandemic crises on their employees. So the human aspect of the business should be evaluated.

They say that “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” I guess one of the greatest aspects of a good leader is to know how to deal with the things they never did before.

To your success

Professor Lili Saghafi




Professor Lili Saghafi

Computer Science/MBA Professor,Dean/Director/SAP Consultant/CIS Online Program Author/E-Learning Consultant. https://sites.google.com/site/professorlilisaghafi/