Prof. [Dr.] S.C. Dixit
5 min readAug 18, 2023


Prof. (Dr.) Satish Chandra Dixit. 18-August-2023

Spiritualism and materialism were mostly misunderstood in the past, so they are even today. We took our ancestors’ words for granted that they are like two banks of a river, never to meet. They are supplementary and complimentary to each other in the logic of life. Both introduce accurate and transparent music into our life and make it meaningful and purposeful. Poverty is a curse, and to be rich is a blessing if the logic of life is understood correctly.

Materialism does not ask us to be materialistic by taking away things from others. Materialism wants us to create more. It does not teach us to cheat, usurp, exploit, be dishonest, greedy or annex but to have more to share with more and more people. Materialism teaches us that supply is unlimited. So let us develop our thought. Support it with hard work, proper planning, and strategy to enrich ourselves and others. Let us eliminate our inferiority complex and unfold our potential, which is worth millions daily.

First, develop a thought in our subconscious mind. Our hard work will bring it to our minds, and our strategy and efforts will materialise our dreams. So let us change our stereotyped conservative false belief of ‘Spiritualism vs Materialism ‘but ‘Spiritualism-cum-Materialism that can make our life progressive and pleasant and the world we will create will be sweet and sublime, free from all pride and prejudices, greed and evil practices.

Spiritualism was a significant part of India’s past. Rishis and Munis explored the power of prayers and Mantras in the mountains. The forces that lead us to spiritualism are a fascinating study. My article aims to balance the imbalance in life by unlocking the door to spiritualism through Transcendental meditation.

Our imagination can lead us to explore new ways to understand the Supreme Power. This enlightenment, like Lord Buddha and Mahavir Jain, makes impossible things possible. The Gita, Ramayana, Quran, and Bible all contribute to our Vedantic philosophy, which determines the higher values of life to be followed by all of us. However, it never prevents us from being materialistic. We know that worship alone won’t make life successful. So, work must go hand in hand with prayer. Prayas and Puja are the secrets of success. Religion is not for empty bellies. A hungry man wants bread, not mantras alone. Work brings money. Money can create inner peace, a less hungry stomach can lead you to a better meditation place, and more meditation can make a healthy mind work more effectively and efficiently.

Conflict in life is inevitable. How can we turn our weaknesses into strengths and transform our no-win situation into a win-win situation? How can we create conflict-free relationships .and be successful in life?

Today, we interact with many people, including superiors, subordinates, associates, workmates, vendors, customers, investors, partners, friends, and neighbours. Some of these interactions may result in conflict as personal interests collide, and it is critical to approach them with a balance of spirituality and materialism. Positivity is vital to long-term success in any job or business; cultivating good relationships and constructive conflict resolution skills are significant components of this success.

Letting go of our “poverty-mentality” towards materialism or spiritualism is essential, as it can create negative thoughts and influence our perceptions. This can lead us to believe that materialism is not in our favour due to our limited means, lack of talent, education, and poverty-stricken families. However, the truth is that wealth is good, and we deserve to be rich if we work hard. Let go of the misconception that wealth corrupts us, keeps us away from spirituality, neglects our family, makes us greedy and dishonest, and causes us to exploit others.

According to W. Somerset Maugham, “Money is the sixth sense without which you cannot make complete use of the other five.” In support of this, Samuel Johnson asserts, “Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness. It destroys liberty and makes some virtues impractical and others difficult.”

According to Napoleon Hill, our imagination is like a workshop that can turn mental energy into success. Money is a significant force in our lives, but it’s essential to use it properly. As Bacon says, “Money is for spending, but only for honourable purposes.” By practising the principles of wealth, we can make money work for us. Finally, everyone has the right to pursue happiness and achieve spiritual, mental, and physical growth.

The world is changing faster than ever with technological advancements, markets, and manufacturing. Business loans can be taken to expand trade and commerce, and creating start-ups can generate more employment opportunities. Our thoughts shape our lives, and it’s a false belief that spiritualism alone can bring us closer to God or that materialism can send us to hell. George Bernard Shaw once said, “Lack of money is the root of all evil.”

Money can be a powerful motivator and influence people’s behaviour, sometimes leading to actions that are considered sinful or unethical [Vibhukchhitam kim na karoti papam]. However, while money is essential, it should not be the sole focus of one’s life either. Balance is the Key — just as every intelligent son maintains equilibrium between his mother and wife and fixes the boundary lines of their rights and duties, the conflicting situations are ruled out. A similar attitude is required between spiritualism and materialism. [SAAS BHI KABHI BAHU THI AUR AGEY CHALKAR BAHU BHI KABHI SAAS HOGI]. This concept can make our family life peaceful and pleasant.

This balance is reflected in religion and the constitution, which seek to regulate social and political life fairly and justly. Through these systems, we can strive towards an equitable society that provides opportunities for all individuals to live fulfilling lives. By recognising the importance of responsibility and the need to balance materialism with spirituality, we can work towards a better future for ourselves and those around us.

All other institutions in different walks of life make their needful contribution to make our more and more progressive and less and less painful. In a nutshell, materialism and spiritualism are like highly productive twin sisters in the logic of our life.

Recognising that progress is only partially achieved through individual effort is essential. Other institutions, such as educational systems and societal structures, also play a significant role in this concept’s development, education, and embedment in our society. Additionally, it is crucial to balance materialism and spiritualism to achieve true productivity and fulfilment. These two aspects should be seen as complementary to one another rather than mutually exclusive.

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Prof. [Dr.] S.C. Dixit, M.A. Allahabad University. PhD. on American Feminism. Visiting Prof. to Wisconsin University, Milwaukie, U.S., Senior Fulbright Fellow to the U.S., Prof. in Birla Institute of Technology [B.I.T.S], PILANI, India. Associate Prof. in Kanpur University., India.



Prof. [Dr.] S.C. Dixit

Dr. S.C. Dixit, acclaimed academic in literature & feminism, distinguished by roles at Wisconsin University & BITS Pilani, continues to inspire post-retirement.