Reinventing Genetic Engineering Like SpaceX Reimagined Rockets

4 min readJan 27, 2024


Photo by Aleksandr Popov on Unsplash

In the same way that SpaceX revolutionized space exploration through reusable rocket systems, Synthego aims to transform genetic engineering via automated CRISPR platforms.

At the core of SpaceX’s breakthrough was challenging assumptions. Rather than expendable hardware, they pursued recyclable technology like retro-propulsive booster landings to slash marginal costs. Similarly, Synthego identified inefficient manual workflows and targeting inaccuracies as rate-limiting assumptions in genome editing. They responded with automation to increase precision editing while accelerating researcher velocity.

Pushing Boundaries with Recyclable Technology

For decades, aerospace engineers accepted rockets as single-use hardware. After propelling to space, boosters detached and burned up in the atmosphere. SpaceX upended that status quo by mastering propulsive booster landings to enable reuse. Re-flying the Falcon 9’s expensive first stage while only needing new upper stages slashed marginal launch costs up to 30-fold.

Suddenly affordable access catalyzed new commercialization models in the industry. Critically, the savings from reusable technology aren’t one-time but compounding over time in a virtuous cycle. Reflight means additional revenue without rebuilding the whole rocket.

Synthego brings similar reusable thinking to CRISPR experiments by industrializing guide RNA design. sgRNAs direct the Cas9 nuclease to intended gene cut sites but required manual identification using algorithms like CHOPCHOP. Researchers took weeks targeting each experiment specifically before conducting long, variable bench experiments with low reproducibility.

Synthego built the automation infrastructure to repeat that in silico planning rapidly instead. After selecting targeting parameters like genomes and off-target thresholds in their cloud Design Tool, optimized sgRNAs synthesize in parallel. Now scientists skip straight to conducting expansive experiments using validated designs with maximal on-target efficacy. Automation replaces manual effort to accelerate the biotech Flywheel.

Establishing Multi-Product Platforms

Beyond reusing hardware, SpaceX capitalizes on interchangeable technology. Their Merlin engines and avionics equipment manufacture at scale to equip Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and the future Starship vehicle. Common components and mass manufacturing drive down costs through economies of scale.

Synthego enables similar multi-use infrastructure patterns for CRISPR experiments by solving sgRNA limitations. First they optimized oligo synthesis methods and purification techniques as a reproducible sgRNA production platform. Maintaining quality control to minimize variability between designs established a reliable shuttle chassis. Next they layered on algorithmic targeting, synthesizing sgRNAs containing the Cas9 cargo needed to edit specific genes.

Now automating complex CRISPR activities traditionally done manually, Synthego offers researchers a turnkey platform spanning in silico to in vitro. Like SpaceX, standardizing systems with specialized tooling set up product families. Launch vehicles just swap satellite payloads, not foundational technology. For CRISPR, that empowers designing DNA editing missions generically before swapping guides to target MYC, p53 or HLA genes on demand.

Reusability for Endless Experimentation

True disruptive innovation opens capabilities at scale previously unthinkable. SpaceX didn’t just tweak rocket technology — they deliberately envisioned driving down marginal launch costs 100–1000X to make interplanetary travel achievable. We’re seeing those dreams manifest with Starship’s full reusability pushing towards $2M flights.

Similarly for biotech, Synthego isn’t iterating genetics but reinventing its practice. By automating workflows, they remove constraints limiting discovery like costs and delayed results from manual CRISPR steps. Instantly designing and outsourcing sgRNA production means scientists move from idea to experiment in days instead of weeks. Paired with industrial scale cloud laboratories, Synthego intends to make biological exploration exponential rather than linear.

We’re already seeing hints of how transformative ultra low-cost editing could become. High specificity multiplexed editing showed efficiency improvements from 60% targeting one allele to 98% cutting three gene targets simultaneously. That opens possibilities like engineering complex polygenic disease models rapidly. Adopting iterative reuse logic where delivery shuttles and targeting algorithms simply reload new guides boosts flexibility. Where before bespoke sgRNA design narrowly focused experiments, now combinatorial possibilities teem.

The Therapeutics Horizon

Finally, CRISPR enabling near limitless experiments accelerates timeframes.Synthego’s ambitious roadmap centers biotherapeutic translation of automated editing. After refining foundational CRISPR technology, closing gaps like immune responses and targeted delivery will make disease treatment tangible using engineered cell or gene therapies. When layers of empirical optimization leverage reusable base layers, applied horizons draw exponentially nearer.

We’re witnessing a new discipline launch sequence initiating across this sector, accelerating scenarios previously confined to theory or fiction. But as SpaceX proves, with visionary and bold execution, the implausible simply takes a little longer. Synthego looks promising to transform human horizons using that same blueprint.

