An unsung warrior of INA

Prof wg cdr Dr SP Kaushik
4 min readJul 7, 2023


Neera Yadav

Neera Arya was born on March 5, 1902, in Khekra, a city in Baghpat district, Uttar Pradesh. Neera Arya was the daughter of distinguished and eminent businessman Seth Chhajumal. When Neera Arya was born, Britishers were ruling in India, and from a young age, her acts proved her love for the nation because, during her childhood, she participated in many freedom movements.

Neera Arya’s father soon found a suitable match for his daughter, and she got married to an investigation officer, Shrikant Jairanjan Das, in British India.

Soon After marriage, Neera Arya and her husband’s professions became a point of conflict between them. Since her husband was working for the British government, he was a loyal British servant, whereas Neera wanted independence for her country from the

Because of her love for the nation, Neera ended up joining the Jhansi Regiment under Azad Hind Fauj after her marriage. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was the founder of this regiment. This regiment was working for the freedom movement in the country.

When Neera’s husband got to know about Subhash Chandra Bose INA Army and Neera’s involvement in this, he tried to get secrets of Subhash Chandra Bose because Shrikant Jairanjan Das was ordered to spy on Netaji and assassinate him.

On other hand, Neera was promised to be a true nationalist and save Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose at any cost.

One day when her husband attempted to assassinate Subhash Chandra Bose, she killed her husband Shrikant Jairanjan Das by stabbing him and saving Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

For killing a British Government servant, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. As per reports, Neera was tortured every single day and offered bribes to divulge information about the leaders of the INC, especially Subhash Chandra Bose; if she would do that, she would be given bail. But her patriotism for the nation did not end with this tough time.

According to reports from history, Neera fights for the country, and her breasts are chopped off because she refuses to give information about Subhas Chandra Bose’s whereabouts.

Despite a lot of torture, Neera Arya remained loyal to the nation and Subhas Chandra Bose and went on to become the first woman spy of the Azad Hind Fauj.

Known for being the first lady spy of the INA, Neera Arya was released from jail after Independence. She spent the rest of her life in Hyderabad, where she eventually passed away in 1998.

Lessons Learned from Neera Yadav’s Extraordinary Journey:

Unyielding Patriotism: Neera Yadav’s life teaches us the invaluable lesson of unwavering love for one’s country. Her deep-rooted patriotism fueled her actions and led her to join the fight for freedom, even at great personal risk. She reminds us of the power of love for our nation and the importance of standing up for what we believe in.

Courage in the Face of Adversity: Neera faced numerous challenges and hardships, including betrayal, imprisonment, and unimaginable torture. However, she exhibited tremendous courage throughout her journey. Her refusal to surrender, even in the face of severe pain and torment, teaches us the lesson of resilience and the ability to find strength within ourselves during the most trying times.

Sacrifice for a Greater Cause: Neera’s ultimate sacrifice, killing her husband to save Subhash Chandra Bose, exemplifies the willingness to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. Her actions underline the importance of selflessness and the readiness to put the needs of the nation above personal interests.

Loyalty and Integrity: Neera Yadav’s loyalty to her country and her unwavering commitment to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose serve as a powerful lesson in loyalty and integrity. She remained true to her convictions and refused to betray her comrades or divulge any information that could jeopardize the freedom movement. Her unwavering loyalty is a testament to the strength of character and the values we should uphold.

The Power of Resilience: Despite enduring unimaginable hardships, including physical torture and emotional torment, Neera Yadav never gave up. She withstood the pain and remained steadfast in her beliefs. Her story teaches us the importance of resilience, reminding us that even in the darkest moments, we have the strength within us to persevere and overcome challenges.

Remembering Unsung Heroes: Neera Yadav’s story sheds light on the countless unsung heroes who have made significant contributions to the fight for freedom. Her life teaches us the importance of recognizing and honoring these heroes, whose stories may have been overshadowed or forgotten over time. It is crucial to remember and learn from their sacrifices and contributions.

Neera Yadav’s journey serves as an inspiration to all, reminding us of the indomitable spirit of individuals who have selflessly fought for a cause greater than themselves. Her lessons of patriotism, courage, sacrifice, loyalty, resilience, and the need to remember unsung heroes will continue to ignite the flame of inspiration in the hearts of those who hear her remarkable story.

