Reforming healthcare with RPA and AI

Programmable Business
Programmable Business
2 min readJul 16, 2019

By Ganesh Kumar, Senior Research Analyst, Imaginea

The healthcare industry is on the cusp of a huge change — one that’s majorly powered by technology. The impact of automation and digital technologies is increasing, probably furthermore than many people have thought.

According to McKinsey, 36% of the healthcare processes — generally, managerial, and back-office — can be automated. From streamlining patient appointment scheduling, eligibility checks to optimize claims management, and improve revenue cycle functions, RPA can be deployed across the industry to improve productivity and provide better medical care.

Redefining healthcare

Transformation in the payers and providers segments are due to frequent policy changes, political & societal shifts, and technological innovations coupled with the need for great customer service

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the number of health insurance issued to the general population has increased by more than 20 million. With better access to healthcare, along with aging baby boomers needing more medical care, the amount of patient information to be captured and insurance claims to be processed have increased. Accessing this vast amount of data by humans is simply out of scope.

There is a complete mismatch of demand and supply, as the need increases in medical care for long-term, chronic diseases, and rising costs, but shrink in the supply of specialists, money, and time. This is because of not making investments where the demand is.

Transform healthcare with RPA and AI

RPA acts as a robust digital workforce that can work diligently to handle time-consuming, monotonous, clerical, and administrative tasks. As a result, humans are able to create value for their clients by providing a personalized approach towards patient care and consultations. This allows the healthcare players to concentrate on higher-priority work and spend more time on various complex tasks, like risk assessment and healthcare research.

RPA is not only about cost efficiency, but redefining the way resources (human and digital labor) work together to draw out their unique strengths.

In our recent webinar, The rise of RPA and AI in healthcare, Srikanth, Director of product management, delved deep into various use cases, adoption trends, and high opportunity spaces for healthcare players.

Key takeaways from this webinar includes:

  • Build an effective RPA strategy in a highly-regulated dynamic healthcare environment
  • Understand the impact of bringing together RPA and AI (and other latest technologies)
  • Find out the best practices and governance approach you must consider while implementing RPA



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