Low-Code, No Limits: How Low-Code Platforms Are Changing the Game

2 min readMay 21, 2024

The rise of low-code and no-code development platforms is challenging traditional coding paradigms in the quickly changing field of software development. Sites like Wix, WordPress, etc., are helping businesses of all experience levels produce scalable apps and websites with little to no coding knowledge. Will these websites have an influence on the software development career as a whole?

In a world where anyone can drag and drop their way to a fully functional website or app, it’s natural to wonder if traditional coding skills will become obsolete. After all, if you can build a website with a few clicks, why bother learning to code?

But here’s the thing: while low-code and no-code platforms undoubtedly increase accessibility to development, they’re not replacing the need for skilled developers. Rather, they’re enhancing the capabilities of developers and enabling them to focus on higher-level tasks.

Imagine this: You are cooking a meal for, let’s say, Christmas for your grandma, grandpa, and 100 other relatives you’ve never even met. Your choice of meal is Hot Pockets. Yes, I know, the worst Christmas dinner ever, but bear with me. Making Hot Pockets from scratch used to involve long hours spent over a hot stove, exact measures, and close attention to detail. It would have been a tedious procedure that required perseverance, expertise, and experience. However, then came along a groundbreaking technology: the MICROWAVE! Making Hot Pockets was suddenly easier, faster, and more convenient. You could have it ready in a matter of minutes with only a few button presses, all without the mess and inconvenience of traditional cooking methods.

Coding is obviously nothing like making Hot Pockets; it is much more complex and, honestly, can hurt your brain with all the logic. But, you can understand the comparison. Just because there is a microwave, it does not eliminate the need for cooking! Just because there are low-code or no-code websites does not eliminate the need for coding! After all, even the low and no-code websites are BUILT OFF CODING!

Here is a post on X by Patrick Moorhead that describes this debate perfectly:

It’s not easy to replace coding; it requires a deep understanding and problem-solving skills, definitely more than any technology right now!




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