Workforce Analytics Software: Guide for Best Metric

3 min readNov 22, 2022


Best Workforce Analytics Software: Workforce Optimization Software Assess, measure, & optimize Workforce Analytics software and productivity across your organization

How much time do your employees spend on the skilled, strategic jobs they were hired to do? Between responding to emails and instant messages, attending back-to-back meetings, and navigating a web of business applications, it can seem like we’re all working more but producing less meaningful work by workforce Analytics Software

With Prohance you can correlate employee work habits to productivity trends to identify where support is needed and measure progress in an objective way.

Learn how Prohance can help you:

  • Connect workforce analytics software habits to productivity trends
  • Set and track goals to motivate and measure improvement
  • Empower employees to improve personal work habits and well-being
  • Contextualize workforce activity data through integrations with your existing toolset
Workforce Analytics Software

Get started


Connect workforce habits to productivity trends

Get insight into how teams work to identify the patterns that fuel success and opportunities for improvement.

  • View high-level productivity metrics for workforce management and people analytics then drill down for insight into underlying work habits.
  • Understand how employees’ time is divided between focused work, collaborative activities, and multitasking to identify and correct imbalances and employee engagement.
  • See which applications and websites are most heavily used to assess alignment with core responsibilities and pinpoint sources of distraction.
  • Compare productivity levels and work habits of remote, hybrid, and in-office employees to inform flexible work policies and determine where support may be needed people analytics.
  • Assess human capital management balance within teams to understand who is overutilized and how work might be reallocated.


Set and track goals to motivate and measure workforce improvement

Encourage the habits that maximize productivity and set clear guideposts to measure the progress of human resources

  • Reference benchmarks for productivity, focus, and collaboration to understand what is typical for your team and identify outliers.
  • Establish and communicate goals to set clear expectations for your team and ensure alignment around roles and responsibilities.
  • See how individual team members’ productivity, focus, and collaboration have changed over the previous day, week, 4 weeks, and 12 weeks.
  • Regularly evaluate progress toward goals to measure improvement and flag areas where teams need support.

Contextualize workforce activity data through integrations with your existing toolset

Get deeper insight into the work habits that drive business results.

  • Visualize workforce data from Prohance alongside data from Salesforce, ZenDesk, Lattice, and many other business applications to understand the broader context of individual and team productivity.
  • Run custom queries or leverage free starter templates for your existing business intelligence tools, including Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, and Google Data Studio.
  • View key workforce metrics like productivity, application usage, and work efficiency trends, inline with your Microsoft Teams daily workflow.
  • Integrate productivity data directly into workspaces to understand the productivity patterns that lead to project and task completion.

Productivity Reports

Gain valuable insights into factors affecting employee productivity with reports that drill down by date range, users, computers and other criteria.

workforce analytics examples

Team Productivity

See team productivity and availability status to assess workload balance and identify best practices of top performers.

Workload Management

Uncover opportunities across individuals and teams to balance workloads, increase efficiency and support healthy work habits.

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ProHance is an Operations Management Platform compatible with Multiple operating systems. It helps organizations to analyze employee Monitoring and productivity